Dear globalist friends! What are you fighting back and forth about? Do you even know? Or do you know exactly, but do you consider the eternal statement of Vezér Gyurcsány as an example: "we lied morning, night and evening"?

But this is not accurate because you lie during the day as well. Your lies are endless, there are so many of them that volumes could be filled with them. Shall we make eye contact? Let it be!

Eastern vaccines are ineffective. The Chinese vaccine is ineffective. The government is conducting human experiments with the Russian vaccine. And what "scientific" evidence did you support all this with? You have lied not only with nothing, but also with real scientific findings. Some of you even died in ideological "triumphs". For whom we, your opponents, mourn deeply, because the loss of every life is tragic. By the way, what caused the epidemic to decline? I guess from ineffective vaccines…

There was no police terrorism on October 23, 2006. There was no eye contact. No one was tortured (e.g. in the courtyard of Magyar Rádió or within BV). According to Gyurcsány, more police officers were injured than civilians.

What? Who is sick? Or a sick liar? Film recordings prove that there was indeed police terror and shooting, and witness statements that there was torture. Mrs. Gyurcsány is either very stupid or thinks everyone is stupid.

The Orbán dictatorship is raging here. You have to be afraid here. I mean where? Where you can do O1G without consequences? Where not a single neobolt or liberal Nazi was dragged away from your aggressive demonstrations? Where the government can be defamed through theft and corruption with impunity? Where you had to be afraid was the period of the reign of terror in Gyurcsány , the innocently convicted, imprisoned, fathers, mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers who were beaten to death could tell a lot about this. But according to Gyurcsány, there is a dictatorship here. Of course, if you win an election due to some catastrophe and "temporarily" suspend the constitutional system, that is not a dictatorship. You're right, it's not Nazism.

The Union introduces the European minimum wage. What are you whining about? They wrote it down, they don't even remember it. What they want to introduce is the distribution of illegal migrants according to a mandatory quota. But you, globalist mothers and fathers, blatantly deny this. Even if your global friends try to force this plan again and again.

The Orbáns steal. Indeed? And what? Because so far you have not presented any evidence other than the statement. On the contrary, we can prove it. 164 billion was somehow absorbed from the budget of metro 4, 267 million from Simon Gábor in Vienna, the origin of which is still unknown. With the amounts traveling in Nokia boxes, or with Csaba Czeglédy's billion tax fraud and unpaid student work. You could continue, but why? But who is stealing here?

Oligarchs! Lőrinc the Butcher! Slap it while you don't have a single word about the perpetrator Gy. Ferenc. The one who escaped to be behind bars, because according to the court, his case was "time-barred". How did this great man get his billions when he came from a poor beggar family? Did his father with a checkered past save it? Or did his mother, who was anxiously watching the gas meter, put it in his pocket? The billionaire's wife had the guts to donate some masks and she's still cursing Lőrinc Mészáros? About the person who spends billions on charitable causes, gives children vacations, finances talent programs, and contributes to the healing of sick children? Not to mention that it pays the many people it employs accurately. Not like László Bíró, the Jew you support, who threatens his employees with guns instead of wages.

Now comes the "homophobic" law. Which, of course, is not homophobic at all, it doesn't even talk about them, only that it is forbidden to propagate the corruption of children. Of course, according to the signs, you want it not to be, that is, you are adamantly anti-children. But at least you admit this when you campaign against the Hungarian law in the Union. It's not merit, but at least it's clear speech. Pure Nazi talk, for example, the fact that you also want to abolish the secret of confession. Why not the lawyer? Because then many of you would fail? Because, of course, you will never confess, but in order for the lawyer to successfully defend you, you must confess if you have committed a crime.

Enough! It is no longer just a lie, but an anti-national attack that you allow yourself every day. In addition, you hate this country, you are disgusted by the Hungarians without even denying it. You envisioned a European United States in which only globalist "values" could dictate, see: migrant acceptance, LGBTQ worship, anti-family, Christian persecution. You dream of a global society where dissent would be forbidden, where submission to the globalist mainstream is mandatory, where national independence would be replaced by "long languages". And you dare to say that!

You know what? There is a Hungarian saying: If you had listened, you would have remained wise. A great truth, but too fine a definition. You don't understand that kind of thing. I prefer Caution, Wild West! Terence Hill's simple but easy-to-understand words from the movie

Shut up! Shut up!