We already knew that the lady mayor exudes dictatorial virtues, that she admires the rainbow movement panting and drooling and turns with adoration towards the BLM movement, which is indifferent to us. Now it is also obvious that he hates Fradi and the sister cities of the district.

The president of Fradi, Gábor Kubatov, reported in a Facebook post that Krisztina Baranyi , the IX. the opposition mayor of the district refused to support the association. He wrote this:

"I never thought that Fradi would one day have to fight with his own home. The present and future of the FTC is a matter of concern to all residents of Ferencváros. This has been the case for 122 years. However, Krisztina Baranyi turned her back on us. At the beginning of 2020, we only asked that the tax paid to the municipality be returned to the club.
We would have spent this amount on youth education and mass sports, as we have done so far. We asked the mayor not to profit from the country's most successful club. Finally, Baranyi withdrew all support from Fradi.
He was determined to bleed the club dry. We see that the FTC cannot count on it. Does not matter. We will continue to work without him. The many hundreds of children who are brought up at Fradi prove us."

And I never thought that, as a non-Fradist, I would say after that: Come on, Fradi!

But Baranyi is not satisfied with his action against the sports association. With a shovel, Rátesz is also sending a message to the Hungarians separated outside our borders: he also removed the sister city coats of arms from the wall of the meeting hall of the representative body. Among others, the symbol of Beregszász, Pöstyén, Királyhelmec, Magyarkanizsa and Sepsiszentgyörgy also caused stomach upset in the lady.

Instead, shedding crocodile tears, he announces that the rainbow flag displayed on the wedding hall has been torn down. It doesn't even occur to him that displaying the flag was an open and disgusting provocation. He likes it that way, so it has to be that way, otherwise he'll get angry.

And he came to the board meeting, where the decision he put forward did not win the majority. The district Fidesz reported on yesterday's meeting as follows:

Krisztina Baranyi still does not want to discuss the public affairs of Ferencváros at the board meeting , because even though the mayor was called on to account for the decisions made by one person during the pandemic and for the representatives to vote on it, Baranyi rejected the request.

The mayor, who engages in visual politics, considered the display of the rainbow flag to be the most important before the items on the agenda, which is unacceptable for us, they wrote. They recalled that the election of the director of the Pinceszínház was almost drowned in scandal, after the representative Zsolt Szilágyi from Jobbik announced at the meeting: Krisztina Baranyi's chief of staff, János Somlai, wanted to obtain the votes of the representatives to elect the candidate supported by the mayor (György Komáromi) through threats.

They also touched on the recurring theme of the meeting was Baranyi's order made alone during the state of emergency, the text message amendment, based on which he can still make decisions in one person between two board meetings. The mayor prevented the discussion of the proposal submitted by the representatives against it. It was even more embarrassing for the Ferencváros left that they held a vote on the unworthiness of their fellow representative Zoltán Takács . For the last item on the agenda, they dragged out the time for several hours in order to ensure the qualified majority, but in the end they failed to collect the required number of votes. The left-wing parties in Ferencváros do not even trust each other, they are unable to govern the district together, the local Fidesz pointed out.

(Cover image source: Vadhajtasok.hu)