we wrote earlier , foreign liberal platforms launched a coordinated attack on our country following an "investigation" carried out with the cooperation of Soros' Amnesty International, claiming that the Hungarian government had wiretapped opposition journalists. The Israeli company defamed in the case has denied the accusations and is threatening the media spreading fake news with a lawsuit, pestisracok.hu .

In a statement, the Israeli company responded to the accusations of the opposition media, which is now increasingly supported from abroad, in which they point out that the communication of the organization called Forbidden Stories, which "exposed" the case, has no factual basis, as evidenced by the lack of documentation to support their claims.

“The Forbidden Stories report is full of false assumptions and unsubstantiated theories that cast serious doubt on the reliability of the sources. We strongly deny the false claims in their report. Their sources provided them with information that has no basis in fact, as evidenced by the lack of documentation to support their claims. In fact, these claims are so outrageous and far from the truth that the NSO is considering a defamation lawsuit”

- wrote the company, which is accused of having provided the software with which the Hungarian government - according to their claim - monitored certain persons.


Image source: Direkt36 Facebook