Modern technology helps, but there are people who don't even have it. Gergely Karácsony's trip to Miskolc (courtesy) clearly proved this point, because not even the helper could save him from a few capital blunders.
As our portal also reported , during the presentation of the opposition primary election candidates, the mayor was not even able to quote the exact text of the refrain of an Edda song flawlessly, even with the help of the helper. PestiSrácok asked Attila Pataky, the frontman of Edda Művek, how he thinks about Karácsony's mistaken sentence.
"And when it comes to Miskolc and rock music, of course, to many people, I can tell you honestly, the same song comes to mind, 'Itthayom a város', because I belong to the age group that has heard it so many times," he quoted inaccurately Christmas scanning the screen of the helper in the capital of rock to the chorus of an age-old song.
"If Gergely Karácsony is so fond of rock and liked this song so much, I would recommend that he repeat the refrain, which reads: "One fine day, I know that I will leave the city where I live..." Put this in the first place in your program and do it boldly, leave the capital! I am quite sure that it would bring great joy to a lot of people - emphasized Attila Pataky, who said that last week he and his colleague went to the center of Budapest for business purposes, where a mixture of smog, hot asphalt and the stench of garbage spread.
"And this reminds me of one of our songs called 'Szaga van', listen to it too, listen to our song 'Szaga van', it will help you too!" – the rock singer from Miskolc recommended to Gergely Karácsony.
Attila Pataky overcame several diseases that were said to be incurable, he has already returned from the throat of death a couple of times, yet he is extremely cheerful and energetic. The PS journalist also asked the artist, who is celebrating his seventieth birthday, what is the recipe for survival and rebirth? How can you get out of crisis periods as a winner?
"If there is a problem, no matter how big the problem may be, I just say that I offer my body and soul into your hands, Creator God, and I will add the rest - explained Attila Pataky, who, according to his statement, was brought up in faith, and received devotion to life and strong faith from his mother.
"Since my mother also raised me to be a lover of life, there is always a reason to hold on, regenerate and return here as long as there is something to do, and supposedly I still have a lot to do. As I see, there are more and more tasks, and I do what I can and can do in my place. I love to live, I love my love, my sons, the taste of a glass of wine, I love everything in this life that is possible. Love is the only reality, the rest are illusions, lies and harm," he stated.
The legendary rock musician was also asked about the changes taking place in the world, since every day we read that a new world order is being built. Several people spread ominous news, while others claim that the Golden Age is still ahead of us. But what can the individual do at his own level in order to create the most beautiful future possible?
"Watch what you eat, what you drink, what you think and who you associate with. This is a very important basic axiom," he said, then added that the root of the problems comes from the fact that once the order of God, man, individual and money was clear, but this has already reversed and he also mentioned as a mistake that we moved away from nature. - "However, the most important thing is that you should not be afraid, because the dark side feeds on fear. Do not be afraid!"
The full article can be read here.
(Cover image source: YouTube)