In January 2021, the law that allows male prisoners who identify as women to be transferred to women's prisons came into effect in California, reports V4NA. Since then, almost 300 relocation requests have been received, of which only six have not been adjudicated, the rest have been approved.

It seems that there is not only a political but also a judicial stage of mental illness, at least that is what the adoption of the California law suggests. Now only 20 male prisoners have been transferred to women's prisons, the result already speaks for itself: male prisoners who declare themselves to be women have in several cases been violent with their fellow prisoners who are actually women.

What are the great authorities doing about it? No, they won't change the mad law, because everyone has the right to be as aberrant as they want. On the other hand, with a great idea, they will be able to protect female prisoners - not from violence, but from possible biological consequences. Condoms and contraceptives began to be distributed in women's prisons. (With some exaggeration, it's like locking a knife-wielding sadist with his victim, but good-naturedly giving him a bandage.)

The left-wing feminist organization WOLF said on July 15 that this was "a tacit admission by officials that women can be raped if they are put in prisons with men, which is the inmates' worst nightmare."

An inmate at one of the prisons told the Times that prison guards had warned them to expect sexual violence.

WOLF recalls that earlier a female convict begged for help in the case.

" How can we feel safe in our community when we ask for help and get nothing? Does anyone even care that we are forced to live with 100 kg and 188 cm men who are in prison for, among other things, sexual violence against women? Prison officials have warned us that several male convicts who have been jailed on serious charges will be arriving," said the convict seeking help.

Amber Jackson the Santa Monica Observer that several transgender people transferred to their prison have male genitalia and are HIV positive. According to Jackson, these men abuse their gifts and have sex with many female inmates.

WOLF also provided additional information on prison conditions. The organization reports that new posters have recently appeared in medical facilities depicting pregnant inmates and outlining their options, from abortion to adoption to prenatal care. The poster also states that women have the right to use different contraceptive methods and to seek counseling.

Despite the current regulations, all sexual activity is still considered illegal in California prisons.

Bravo! Then everything is fine!

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