DK supports a racist, anti-Semitic candidate in Szeged. According to the Magyar Nemzet, Péter Tóth from Jobbik previously, among other things, publicly demanded racial protection, he also lectured on the suppression of gypsies, and called gays genetic waste. Gyurcsány personally went to Tóth's pre-election booth, where they took a photo together.

Ferenc Gyurcsány even cooperates with the Nazis just so that he can replace the national government - it is clear from the photo on the Facebook page of Péter Tóth, the Jobbik chairman of Csongrád-Csanád County. In the picture, the DK president poses together with Tóth at his primary election booth in Szeged. This is also remarkable because Péter Tóth, the leader of the rainbow coalition, is supported by a demonstrably racist, severely exclusionary Nazi. Back in 2014, reported that Tóth, among other things, publicly demanded race protection on his social media page, "bibsied" and glorified the Greek neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.

In connection with a newspaper article about it, which presented the Jewishness as the problem of the world, Tóth said that "they saw the problem already in 1920". In connection with the Tavares report, the rightist wrote that "the Portuguese from Bibsi have nothing better to do than drag us down". Péter Tóth also made hateful and insulting statements about gays: "We will fight to the end against liberal scum and genetic waste," Tóth declared in 2013 in connection with the Pride parade.

So Ferenc Gyurcsány is campaigning for a Nazi right-wing candidate in Szeged...

... There have already been examples of DK campaigning for a racist, anti-Semitic candidate. supported László Bíró from Jobbik in last October's interim parliamentary election in Szerencs Among other things, Bíró called Budapest "Judapest" and the Israeli guests of a local hotel "lice slides". Despite this, the parties of the left coalition practically stood behind him as one man, accepting the explanation and apology of the right-wing candidate. After the scandal broke out, the judge said that when he wrote those sentences, he was apathetic and therefore did not perceive the weight of his words. He added that today he also considers his previous words unacceptable. At the same time, the politician's statements were condemned by the Association of Hungarian Jewish Religious Communities.

The full article of Magyar Nemzet can be read here.

(Cover image source: Facebook)