The LGBTQ lobby attacks the child protection law with false arguments. They envision 100,000 teenagers left without help, that is, according to their claim, at least three students in every class of 30 are "unsure" of their gender identity. According to the Szent István Institute, either they are lying or LGBTQ propaganda is so effective. As evidenced by the Institute's Facebook post, it was high time to create the Child Protection Act.

"Let's count!

In 2020, 126 same-sex couples, i.e. 252 persons, enjoyed the possibility of a registered partnership provided by law since 2009 in Hungary. (

In the same year, 67,301 marriages took place , i.e. 134,602 men and women tied the knot last year (we do not even count the many men and women who chose to live together here).

According to last year's statistics, same-sex couples make up 0.178% of adult Hungarian people who

In light of all of this, the publicly released statement, which "citing new research" claims that 8-12% of Hungarian children are attracted to their own gender, is at least thought-provoking. This would mean that at least 3 children in each school class of 30 would have been affected in terms of LGBTQI.

In a large survey of 120,000 people conducted in 2012 by the Gallup polling institute, which can hardly be accused of conservatism, only 3.4 percent of the respondents identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender among the American population.

If, according to the "new research" now cited by LGBTQI activists, this number had risen to such a drastic degree, it is proof that sexual orientation can be influenced by "sensitization" and education (and the purpose of this is highly debatable, since personal fulfillment with respect to the possibility of a fundamental way of life, i.e. the natural way of passing on life, from those concerned), or it indicates that the LGBTQI community is not telling the truth, it is deliberately misleading.

Both options indicate that the stakes in the struggle to sexually influence children are enormous! The only clear solution is to continue to entrust the sexual education of children to the families who raise them and take primary responsibility for them - and not to domestic and international lobby groups pursuing debatable goals!

Respect and autonomy for Hungarian families!"

(Cover image source: Facebook)