In recent months, the exterior of the baroque church dedicated to King Szent László in Sete has been gradually beautified. Most of the work can be done thanks to the effective support of the Hungarian government.

"In 2018, we discovered significant damage to the facade and roof structure of the Baroque building. The first phase of the renovation works began in 2020. The reconstruction started thanks to successful tenders, the support of the bishopric of Nyitra County and the donations of the faithful," said Miloš Kačáni, coordinator of the renovation, when contacted by Felvidé

Regarding the tenders, he explained: five tenders were submitted, of which three were successful. The most significant amount was provided by the Hungarian state through Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt., in addition to two smaller projects, the Slovak state also contributed to the renovation.

The stone portal under renovation (Photo: Miloš Kačáni, Facebook)

The stone portal under renovation (Photo: Miloš Kačáni, Facebook)

The Hungarian state contributed nearly fifteen million forints, more than forty thousand euros, to the works. From the amount won, the renovation of the roof structure and the beautification of the facade and the entrance stone portal were realized.

Specialists will carry out a significant part of the work this summer. The damaged tin elements on the roof have already been replaced, the attics and cornices have also been plastered. The rusted canopy above the sacristy entrance was replaced, and new rain gutters and parapets were installed. All the tin work was done to stop the sacristy from getting wet. The grouting and repainting of the external facade has already been carried out.

"We would also like to thank everyone who shares the information about the collection of funds for the church repair with others. Thank you to all donors, benefactors, and volunteers for the smallest financial or other support. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude for the financial support to the families already living beyond our country's borders, as well as to those living in Slovakia, whose descendants came from Szete, the parish of Szete... He added that according to their plans, the list of donors, as a message for the generations that come after us, in a time capsule is incorporated into the church tower.


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