Freedoms within the family, protected by public morality and respected as tradition, cannot be attacked.

Hungarian society is under the attack of gender trackers, hopefully there are no candy uncles and aunties among them. In any case, let's take care of our children. Sweetening has also appeared in the arsenal of politicians. The opposition parties are attacking the Hungarian child protection law because, according to them, it is not only about pedophilia. They are trying to fight for gay organizations to get free access to kindergartens and schools for the purpose of sensitization, bypassing the law.

Public and private kindergartens and schools, maintained by parents' tax forints, can operate because they have received trust from them. Dissemination of knowledge that is debatable according to the rules of public morality, and that is completely different from the educational concept accepted by the majority of society, cannot be disseminated in these places. A parent, who supports and raises a child until adulthood, rightfully demands the supervision of his greatest treasure. Why would we think that parents cannot follow their children's wishes with a pure heart, when under normal circumstances they would even sacrifice their lives for the happiness of their descendants.

Freedoms within the family, protected by public morality and respected as tradition, cannot be attacked. This God-given community, when it sees the need, takes appropriate measures for its own benefit. Thus, solving gender-related problems with the involvement of invited and officially accepted specialists cannot be an exception.

This little detour was necessary because some members of the opposition parties are starting to look like sugar uncles and aunts, who promise impossible things in order to gain power. An example of this is Klára Dobrev, who, as a candidate for Prime Minister of the Republic of Denmark, has already reached that point, and promises that whoever votes for her, she can also bring down the stars from the sky. However, everyone knows that you can only try to borrow the red star from the Kremlin tower. President Putin will not give this to someone who believes that a dinner on Szemlőhegyi Road and the accompanying turkey dog ​​give him the right to do so.

Ms. Klára is now at the point where she promises workers trade unions whose community interests she can represent, even in relation to individuals, as prime minister. However, the warrior amazon suffers from memory loss. His grandparents and parents had already made a promise to our credulous people before him, but recent history has already proven that it was nothing but a lie.

The Bolshevik, communist and socialist trade union leaders were almost always selected party cadres, dedicated supporters of the rule of the one-party system, which was well exemplified by the work of the cadre trade union leaders. In a pseudo-democratic way, a so-called corporate square ruled over the employees, including the company director, the party secretary, the union secretary and the KISZ secretary.

This is how the union leader fulfilled the mission entrusted to him by the authorities, his only serious work was collecting membership fees. In order to maintain their status, the bonuses and salary increases were given to the sole lickers and kissers. Private companies were founded in exceptional cases, trusted comrades were given such permission, for who knows what purposes. The gebine system implemented in catering is a good example of this.

Klára Dobrev has now once again pushed for the separation of the unions from the workers and the creation of an institutional system that would continue its long-proven, hypocritical operation based entirely on the interests of the opposition party.

It is no longer possible to buy today's workers with "small" money. They recognize the sugar uncles and aunts who carry political interests, because they know, since Comrade Niedermüller said that in addition to white, Christian, heterosexual men, women can indeed be "terrifying creatures".

By proving their abilities, the women in the Gyurcsány family also showed that they are capable of becoming king. All he needed was a banking background, wealth and a refinery that came from confiscated assets. It is no longer the fault of the Apró-Dobrev family that Ferenc Gyurcsány, who was given a free hand in the robbery privatization, was reduced to nothing more than a stripped-down "king" on the political stage in connection with his work as prime minister.

The CÖF-CÖKA recognizes the need for real trade unions, which are based on the values ​​of Christian civilization, and ensure the real representation of employee interests by entrusting it to their freely elected representatives. The world has not yet invented anything better than the capitalist economic system. However, this system can only be operated optimally by a government that manages state property with the public good in mind, and by the consensus of private property and employees.

The idea that workers' unions are class-warfare formations and have conflicting interests with those representing property should be rejected. It is clear that all three parties are rowing in the same boat, they deserve the enrichment of their company and the individuals working there according to the weight of their risk. The exercise of trade union rights must serve the interests of the entire community. The owners are well aware that the performance of the employees takes them forward to fulfill their goals, and their employees treat the community as a family, which is able to negotiate the interests of each time around a white table.

Partisanship cannot be confused with economic interests, and at the same time, the goal of real trade unions cannot be the unnecessarily created barricade fight and the organization of partisan demonstrations on the street. The establishment of trade unions that make Klára Dobrev's dreams come true is transparent, nauseating, and reminiscent of the past. Regarding his momentum, we are waiting to see what kind of promises he would reorganize the Labor Guard, because if the glass is filled with lies, protection may also be needed.

CÖF–CÖKA works to represent the interests of civilians in a unified way in more and more spheres of society. Thanks to this, our partnership with conservative Hungarian, Polish and Italian trade unions committed to the nation and Christianity is expanding more and more.

László Csizmadia, chairman of the CÖF–CÖKA board of trustees