With the attached prayer /and/or/ with our individual prayers, fasting, and resignations, let's pray together for our country every day - preferably between 19:00 and 21:00 - so that we can remain Christian and Hungarian!


With prayerful love: M. István

"Our merciful God!

With the deepest humility, aware of our unworthiness and unworthiness, we prostrate ourselves before your holy face to atone for our grave sins.
We offer and unite our prayers to the perfect atoning sacrifice of your Holy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through our Mother, Our Lady, we present our request to you, asking for Her intercession. We combine our propitiatory prayers with the supplications of all the saints, especially the Hungarian saints and blessed ones - including our role models in propitiation - Saint Margaret of Árpádházi and Blessed Özséb of Esztergom. But we also combine it with the prayers of all our living brothers and sisters, so that the many small atoning flames become the fire of a great satisfaction and thus we can contribute to the repayment of our debt. Oh my God!
We ask for your merciful love, cancel our debt, forgive us and save our nation from destruction! Please, have mercy on the country of the Virgin Mary, because many people do not know what to do because of atheism /and liberalism/. Give them the grace of conversion, so that, recognizing their sins and repenting of them, they will no longer sin!... In the name of all those who offend You in Your sacraments, especially in the Blessed Sacrament, we ask you to have mercy on us!
Save our country for the merits of your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, our Immaculate Virgin and the Hungarian saints!"

/MKPK circular 2006/

Photo: MH/Patrícia Bodnár