Regardless of the domestic political consequences, the Momentumos immediately join forces with any extreme. It is a strange game played with words and concepts that we are forced to call identitylessness identity. A type of person has emerged that does not have any traditional human identity.

It has no ethnic, religious, local identity, and in fact it has no interpretable political identity either. He has no profession or profession, he only identifies with the nebulous freedom of the formless, he always, really always defines himself based on the obligations necessary for the functioning of society, the country, the nation.

This type of person is the XIX. began to develop in the big cities of the 20th century, and grew to the size of a political class in the safety of the big city hobby subcultures that had been prosperous for generations.

The idea of ​​modern individualistic liberalism has infiltrated us from Western Europe and America since the 1970s, but we have now come to the point where the descendants of ex-communists, "eximpexes" who left abroad, and intelligence agents who stayed outside, who fit into capitalism much more perfectly than we do, return to the old country. However, these people did not live in the United States, Canada, Berlin, Paris, did not get to know the American, German, or French culture, did not become American, German, or French.

The foreign members of Momentum's staff socialized in a classic international environment, among people who, like them, had been deprived of all their national cultural roots. In such environments, people naturally seek and understand what can be said in English.

Although these people speak very good "English" or "American", it is an English without cultural depth, which cannot show the culture of any of the speakers. These people grew up in a world defined by Twitter-Starbucks-Facebook-YouTube and similar entities.

This is called and taken seriously as European identity. Even though they speak perfect Hungarian, this Hungarian language is not at all anchored in Hungarian reality, in Hungarian culture, it is as empty in terms of content as the party jargon of the communist dictatorships towards the end of the system, or the politician's speech that wants to suit everyone in the West, in which the not even the greatest tudors of liberal ideology.

Momentum is not a generation, but an expression of a cultural defect, the generational character is only a sociological consequence (age) and a means of communication. Hungarian public opinion and Hungarian voters are now meeting for the first time a class of politicians who have no sense of being Hungarian. Actually, we don't even know if the momentous people know that they lack the Hungarian identity and many other things.

It is possible, even probable, that they do not experience this as a deficiency, since their parents no longer considered Hungary as their country, and their children were obviously raised to believe that this country is not a good place. All their lives they were taught that they are superior to the Hungarians who helped Viktor Orbán to power and keep him in power.

The people of the moment never asked themselves where the network of connections and money came from, which flew them to the forefront of European politics at lightning speed, without any prior political and human achievements. And this "success", which the liberal propaganda press and the Western liberal elite's circular and self-rewarding system constantly proves with the multitude of prizes, titles and moral praises they hand out, makes them attractive to well-conditioned opposition voters as well.

The European identity of the leaders of Momentum is nourished by an activist life without work in a big city. In Hungary, the domestic equivalent of this type of politician can only be found in Budapest, mostly in the inner-city districts. However, the endless corruption of the SZDSZ prevented the next generation from developing into a class of politicians like the Greens and Antifa in Germany, or like the aggressive extreme-liberal groups that are currently devouring the Democratic Party in America. That's why someone somewhere decided that these people should be imported to us.

I fear that we on the right are not afraid enough of this activism. This kind of activism was last fashionable in the 1950s, when the communists were able to employ thousands of people outside the political police who could devote their time to brainwashing people.

These people dedicate their whole lives to this and can do so, as they also provide an upper-middle class standard of living. They receive the recipes and procedures ready-made, they are also copies optimized for the local level, just as they are only clones of some planned activist ideal type. Momentum does not think, does not politicize, Momentum executes.

Actually, they don't even hide this, because regardless of the domestic political consequences, they collude with any Hungarian-hating Romanians, Slovaks or extreme-nationalist Ukrainians against the Hungarian government, in any international situation.

Their involvement in the European Parliament is also incomprehensible within a national and, incidentally, democratic framework. The liberal opposition of every right-wing government hates the conservatives, but not a single one openly admits that it wants to come to power with the help of the EU and NATO, not necessarily in national parliamentary elections, but even with the effective help of foreign forces.

In both the European Parliament and municipal elections, Momentum received huge technical support from abroad to reach potential voters on social media. No other opposition party was able to do this, because they did not receive this kind of help, since they do not want to replace the current government in the long term.

The faces of Momentum are political robots, they have an extremely simple program, but they have no feelings that would connect them to the national past, the separated parts of the nation, the Transylvanian landscape or Hungarian culture. The most important task of right-wing intellectuals, press and public opinion is to make everyone understand what kind of new opponents we have. These new politicians are actually unknown people in our world, they don't care about our feelings or even our existence. In Momentum's plans for the future, as was the case in Gyurcsány at the time, even those who vote for them are not included. Only principles, without people.

Since this type of political person is significantly different from the Nazis and the Communists, we have not yet learned to deal with the problem. Communist internationalism also counted on local characteristics, while the Nazis simply exaggerated ethnic identity and formulated themselves on the basis of blood. After Stalin, even the communists realized, especially in Central Europe, that the idea did not work. But it took the suffering of several generations for this to be evident, at least to those who believed in it, but were also forced to suffer ordinary socialism. On the other hand, those who lived well under him still do not think of him with a bad heart, especially the anonymous prominent members of the party bourgeoisie, who from the sixties were able to live according to Western standards and manners in the dictatorship they also operated.

The spiritual descendants of these people, devoid of all morality and identity, have now returned, and they see Hungary only as a resource, just like their ancestors.

The trouble is that they will surprise us again and again, because we will never understand the emptiness inside them, nor can we imagine their goals. Just as no normal person knew about the Communists and the Nazis.


Bálint Botond is a sociologist