The press release of the MKP press department was published by Felvidé

The Hungarian Community Party notes with regret that persons holding ministerial and state secretary positions who represent the interests of the national communities and numerical minorities living in Slovakia can be removed from their positions by an arbitrary, politically motivated decision.

We are thinking here of Filip Mónika (SaS candidate), the Hungarian state secretary at the Ministry of Education, who was recently fired overnight without sufficient justification, who gave special importance to the affairs of the Hungarian community. This also applies to the recently replaced Roma activist Zuzana Kumanová (Za ľudí candidate), who represented the interests of the Roma community in the post of Deputy Minister of Culture.

These two ministries are crucial for national communities and numerical minorities, from the point of view of their survival, since we are talking about schools and culture, the retaining power of which is indisputable for the mentioned communities, and development in these areas means the future.

the full text of the announcement here .