As we wrote earlier, Klára Dobrev teased her followers with fabricated lies about the Paralympics when she accused the government in a Facebook post a few days ago that the Orbán government had reduced the Paralympic rewards before the 2012 London Olympic Games. László Szabó, the president of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee Public Body, wrote a comment on one of Gyurcsány's Facebook posts after Ferenc Gyurcsány's wife made untrue statements about the allowances of the Paralympians:

"Dear Representative!

As the president of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee, allow me to make a few comments and requests regarding your post above!

The (LIFE) PENSION of Paralympic medalists, which they receive after reaching the age of 35 for the Paralympic medals won during their sports career (this is also the case for their coaches and national team captains), is exactly the same as the pension of healthy Olympians. For pennies. This is provided for by law.

In February this year, the government significantly increased the one-time REWARD for placings (between 1st and 8th place) in individual Paralympics, such as the current Tokyo Games, by 42%.
So now a Paralympic gold is worth HUF 25 million, which is the highest reward ever. We put a lot of work into increasing the recognition, moral and financial recognition of disabled athletes, and expanding their opportunities to play sports.
We would like as many disabled people as possible to play sports and even make it to the Paralympics. We have many partners in this work, which is why we consider our activity successful. His post with a party political tone, made in connection with the recognition of the performance of para-athletes, does not help this work at all, in fact. Please spare para-athletes and those who genuinely want to help them from the above type of comments in the future. We have enough to do, and we don't want to multiply it unnecessarily because of the post you published.

Please content yourself with congratulating the successful para-athletes: you will have plenty of time to do so during the Tokyo Paralympic Games until September 6! We take this with thanks!


László Szabó, President of the Public Body of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee

ui.: and, please, the next time you use a photo with Paralympians, mention the source and the subject. This picture was taken at the swearing-in ceremony of the Hungarian Paralympic Team on August 10."

Source: Origo
