It is also fortunate that illegal migration is a fake problem, and therefore there is no need for a border fence. Imagine what it would be like if we could talk about a real danger when this is a pseudo-problem.

Illegal immigrants are trying to enter Hungary day and night at the southern border, a video was published on the government's official Facebook page.

On the night from Friday to Saturday, there was another rush of migrants at the border. In one hour, 46 illegal migrants were caught in Bács-Kiskun County.

Well, let's do some math. 460 migrants in ten hours, 1104 in one day, 402,960 in one year. Let's take half of this, because there are (perhaps) fewer trespassers in winter, and half of that, because 46 people don't try to climb the fence every hour. 100,740 left.

Therefore, illegal, and even more so, forced migration is a pseudo-problem. Or is it not "fake" after all?