Given my age, I'm living my second childhood, so to speak, mainly because of my grandson. In addition to the many games - I know, wrongly, but - even if only for a short time, we looked into the story channels.

No, this is not a criticism of the fairy tales, because really - with respect to a few exceptions - as an adult myself, I am horrified by some of them and would act like my grandson, who suddenly covers his eyes with both hands during some movies. But that's not what it's about now.

On all so-called adult channels, when a commercial follows, it is announced that it is not recommended for children under the age of 12. Where does this warning not appear? Well, on children's channels. It just flashes there that it's an advertisement and the children are already being told where to get a loan, which bank to open an account with, what to buy in the given food chain, what shampoo to use and everything that even adults don't really care about.

I understand, you have to make a living, but I still don't understand. channel operators think that moms and dads sit with their children in front of the screen and watch commercials as a way to relax? But if this unimaginable situation were to occur, why isn't the 12th warning posted on these channels?

We'll put it out!

Photo: Pest TV

You can skin and cut like a butcher, Hungarian razor stainless!

Bean coffee from a coffee shop, ECG from SZTK!

If you want to stand on the side of the road, you must use a Berva moped!

Tell me, why are you so angry? Carp meat is here again!