Belonging to God, nation and family is the basic value of European civilization.

For thousands of years, this bond has given hundreds of millions of people a safe handhold even in the most difficult minutes, hours, and stages of their lives. Lucky are those who recognize the importance of these three supports and maintain their bond throughout their lives. Let's say that luck is also necessary during our life path, but it is a fact that we cannot be passive in shaping our circumstances. We have to deal with many problems every day, and we cannot deny that we often need help. In such cases, our faith, our nation and our family provide a lifeline.

Throughout their history, the nations of Europe have learned how to defend themselves against wars and frequent attacks on their nation. The lessons cannot be forgotten and at the same time must be taken to heart. Threats to our civilization are constantly emerging. Our faith, our national community, and even our families, together with the former, can be attacked.

It is difficult for us to adapt when analyzing media content, we often feel that it is impossible to evaluate the information directed at us objectively. Ordinary people are busy maintaining their existence and often naively believe that they can entrust the fate of their lives to their elected leaders. However, some of those exercising power do not tie their dependency relationship to their constituents, but instead tie their existence to the managers of the financial transactions that breathe in the fog of grayness in accordance with their interests. They think that everything can be bought and that only they are the privileged ones, whom God created in his own image.

The world's economy and wealth are in the hands of one percent of humanity. They are the bearers of the imperial outlook, their goal is to gain power over the world. To this end, they have formed a cartel and are moving forward step by step towards their goals. Today, not only do they want to own the economic and financial sphere, but they also arbitrarily condemned the concept of classical democracy and the traditions arising from the legal subsidiarity of sovereign nations to annihilation. Their predecessors and they replaced people's faith in God with ideological views through several attempts and with their unique approach throughout history. See their work to create an empire with a Bolshevik, Nazi, Fascist, Communist and deviant social-liberal system transformed into an ism.

The financial giants seek to transform the political relations of nations. They turned away from the often forced wars, they realized that the export of democracy also failed, despite armed intervention and economic pressure.

They fill the failed isms with new content, learning the lessons, they do not give up their idealism intended for conquest. This is the ideology of the open society, where a narrow group of money tycoons have bred those traitors who abandon their country, their hunger for power can be satisfied by obtaining positions of imperial governors. They are not ashamed to offer a wide selection of LGBTQ people by breaking up the traditional faith-led communities of families and proclaiming sexual freedom. The traditional values ​​of love and affection are displaced into a vacuum.

The stakes are huge for the peoples of Europe. They can retain their diverse identities and thus the achievements of an independent continent, or become passengers on a satellite moon of the United States and become impotent servants of a world imperial aspiration. It seems that the institutional system of the European Union has become obsolete, unable to protect the interests of the members of the alliance, and has instead become a scene of party political battles. Accepting the ideological primacy of an open society, the path chosen can only lead to downfall.

There is no other option than to return to the beginnings that radiated security as formulated by the founding fathers. From here, the stations of the path forward must be formulated anew. The recommendations of the conferences on the future of Europe must be taken seriously. The subsidiarity of equal nations must be considered fundamental. After reviewing the basic EU treaties, there is no other option than reforming the institutional system, which we cannot wait for a long time. This is how we can get to the point where Europe's independence can be preserved. For this, we do not need to babysit and compromise with foreign interests.

In Europe, the primacy of the economy must be restored, and a social system that primarily provides adequate answers to people's questions of destiny. The political image of each member state cannot depend on anything other than the will of its citizens.

It is a desperate phenomenon that the call for opinions on the future of the union, launched by member countries, seems to be merely a formality, as it is continuous that politicians in the institutional system scurry for good money, neglecting to listen to their peoples, causing the alliance to self-mutilate.

Instead, illegal immigration needs to be stopped, the rubber bone of the gender problem needs to be thrown aside, and the actual tasks need to be dealt with. Such is the overcoming of the pandemic, the development of the rule of law applicable to all community members while excluding party political interests, helping those in trouble by organizing the logistics of solidarity instead of exporting democracy, the sustainability of the community environment, the final settlement of minority rights, etc.

In Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan, these days have proven that interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries backfires. The political system of the United States cannot be imposed on Europe. Our people will not allow the colorful world of Europe and the preserved values ​​of its nations to be painted gray.

When making joint decisions, the resolutions of the parliaments of the member countries must be taken into account.

The topics described above will be discussed at the European Union Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET) in Budapest in October 2021. The current, III. congress, which adopts a final declaration with the opinions of representatives of 14 countries, elects its international committee.

In order to preserve Europe's cultural heritage, within the framework of EuCET, we want to broadly involve like-minded civil organizations, Christian-national-conservative trade unions, workers' councils, and various knowledge centers and social scientists.

In our opinion, citizens who qualify as civilians 24 hours a day also carry out advocacy activities at their workplace. The age of traditional class-fighting trade union movements is over. The presentation of party political ideas divides the members of society and weakens the enforcement of targeted professional and existential interests in the direction of public and private sector institutions and companies.

The priority of economic issues in trade union work cannot be disputed. The role of the state and company owners is to manage as efficiently as possible, which cannot be independent of the management and the performance of the employed employees. The coordination of the three main actors of the company assumes the priority of professional arguments based on the fact that they are moving in the same boat.

We say it is important to create a family atmosphere in the operation. Therefore, the values ​​added by the owners, management and employees must be evaluated objectively. The creation of jobs and their long-term preservation requires risk-taking from the owner-investors, and requires an insight into the market conditions and exemplary work from the employees. The result of the activity, carried out in a good atmosphere, serving a common goal, can be divided in proportion to the investments, it gives the opportunity for new investments, while ensuring the sustainability of individual and family interests in the long term.

EuCET intends to expand the role of civil society and the display of civil courage in the future by becoming a partner of Christian-national-conservative trade unions.

We believe that the diversity of the participants gives us the opportunity to reach a larger and larger part of society with our ideas and to give encouragement to those who think like us, but do not dare to openly represent their opinions in the increasingly oppressive European atmosphere.

Pursuant to the above, with the partner help of the National Federation of Hungarian Workers' Councils, which has been cooperating with us for eleven years, we can warmly welcome the Italian union UGL, which has two million members, among us. According to our hopes, III. EuCET can be further expanded with civil representatives and observers (Spanish VOX) participating in the congress.

In the ongoing debate about the future of Europe and at all times in the future, EuCET stands boldly and openly for the protection of Europe's cultural heritage and nation-states.

Author: László Csizmadia