Despite the fact that two-thirds of the membership stood by the leader of Momentum, the delegate assembly withdrew confidence from András Fekete-Győr in the same proportion.

The decision could even be called unexpected, since so far it seemed that nothing had consequences in the ranks of Momentum. The (now ex-) party president merely waved elegantly at Katalin Cseh's suspected corruption and fraud businesses, saying: there is nothing to see here. The parelite and the membership took note of this without saying a word. There is this party discipline thing here, if the boss says there is nothing to see, then there is nothing - and they obediently closed their eyes.

After that, Fekete-Győr could be convinced that the ugly sunburn he suffered on the occasion of the farce called the opposition primary election (he finished last, with a quarter of the votes of Péter Jakab, who finished in 4th place) neither divides nor multiplies.

In the first vote, where all party members could express their opinion, it still seemed that two-thirds of them would have retained FeGyőr, but the delegate meeting proved that the party elite is not interested in the opinion of the membership. Also with two-thirds, they decided in favor of the president's resignation. After that, the party chairman submitted his resignation.

Make no mistake, we do not shed a single tear for Fekete-Győr, who has so often spoken out against the democratic rules of the game and encouraged a showdown with Fidesz, we (the democratic side) spoke up beforehand. I mean, that Gyurcsány will melt the parties of the laundry coalition, one after the other. So it is almost certain that the first victim is well on the way to liquidation.

So today we just say: pa-pa Bandika. We will say goodbye to Momentum a little later.

(Cover photo: MTI/Tibor Illyés)