As a mother, Katinka Hosszú has now stood by the Family Rescue child protection program, since, as she says, she herself sees what dangers lurk even for the smallest.

The daughter of the three-time Olympic champion swimmer, Kamília, recently turned half a year old, and she is increasingly aware of the dangers they are exposed to in the 21st century. century, our children. That is why he joined the joint program series of the Csepel municipality and the MCC (Mathias Corvinus Collegium), which aimed to protect families digitally. According to the initiative, sport can provide a way out of the confinement of digital technology, and Katinka Hosszú can help in this, who will promote the action on various programs in the next period.

As a mother, Katinka Hosszú has now stood by an extremely important cause, since, as she says, she herself can see how dangerous people are lurking even for the smallest ones.

I have a small child, and as a new parent I see how young people are absorbed by the digital space. This process can have long and negative effects. I would like to use all my means to draw attention to how to prevent young people from being affected by such influences

- said Katinka at the event's press conference, who has been avoiding the public since the birth of her child, which is why it is indicative that she gives her name and face to this initiative.

According to the organizers, among other things, sports and arts can help children not to be withdrawn.

Swimming and all sports activities are the opposite of what is the effect of the digital space. Not everyone will become a gold medalist, but it's important to work for it. Sport develops personality, strengthens the nervous system, develops endurance and willpower

- believes Katinka, who is currently preparing for her big comeback and is trying to fight for the Olympic quota. Although his calendar is tight until the Paris Games, he will try to participate in the events of the program series several times in person.

Lénárd Borbély, the XXI. The mayor of the district recalled at the Tuesday press conference presenting the details of the program: the Family Rescue child protection program was launched by the municipality in November 2023 for online safety and to reduce the dangers of digital technology.

"In order to achieve change, we, the parents, must first change"

- he stated, adding: it is also an honor for them that a "real role model" has taken on the duties of the program's ambassador, because they want to make the initiative known nationally.

"We want to provide help and role models not only to local families, but to all Hungarian families, so that children do not become isolated and do not play in the digital space without control, but together in the real world"

he explained.

The mayor emphasized: I want to protect children digitally, mentally and physically.

Ákos Pöltl, senior lecturer at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium, research expert at the Youth Research Institute, and family safety expert, said that the topic of children's digital protection still does not receive enough attention, even though there is more and more "shocking data".

Based on the results of the PISA test, children's performance is decreasing worldwide

- He told.

According to his words, the decline can be observed from 2012, which is related to the fact that in that year the smartphone became widespread among young people, and it was then that Instagram began its conquering journey.

The expert also pointed out that young people are increasingly dissatisfied, anxious, and prone to depression, which is partly due to isolation and loneliness caused by social media. In addition to the protective and preventive power of the family, sports, learning music, time spent in nature and personal meetings can help children the most in warding off harmful effects.

he added.

Ákos Pöltl indicated that the lectures held in the framework of the program will discuss, among other things, self-image disorder caused by social media, the sniffing mechanism, video games and porn content. At the workshops, they also offer working solutions to the problems that arise, for example how it is worth changing habits at home in order to protect the child's mental health, he said.


Featured image: Lénárd Borbély / Facebook