In the 1956 revolution, those who remained free even during the slavery imposed on them by the dictatorship were able to act, said the minister without portfolio responsible for families on Friday, at the commemoration held at the 1956 University Memorial in Budapest.

Katalin Novák, the insurgents kept within themselves the values ​​that Hungarian life handed down to them, along with their parents, grandparents, and teachers. They took note of the dual education, but they did not give their hearts and their freedom of spirit, he said.

He emphasized that the Hungarians were led by the blood-soaked drama of a thousand years until 1956; the millennium of Christian Hungarian statehood before '56 "gave the strength and inspiration for the fate-changing event that gave the nation its heart and backbone".

He put it like this: "humans - and Hungarians in particular - carry the eternal need for freedom in their genes, but we Hungarians also have the harsh reality of self-reliance in our guts" .

Just as in 1956 the Hungarians could not count on anyone but themselves, today the country finds few true allies among the European leaders, the minister added.

Katalin Novák said: few people dare to stand up for the truth, few people dare to speak straight, few people dare to make firm decisions, few people dare to stand up for real freedom, if they are constantly being attacked. However, the Hungarian experience shows that a happy, fulfilled life will not result from aloofness, false compromises, and silence from the truth.

"The buried communist delusions have been exhumed, clothed in rainbow clothes, and are being brought back to life. They demand uniformity instead of equality, silence instead of acceptance, anarchy instead of order," he said.

Katalin Novák said, "1956 is us, we Hungarians. We haven't changed. The more cowardly half of Europe is again forgetting the essence of its existence: the joint realization of internal and external freedom".

The followers of the neo-Marxist idea would not cut out the Rákosi coat of arms from the flag, but would remove the national colors around it, he declared.

He pointed out: The threat to Europe and the freedom of Hungarians is not national sovereignty, but the renunciation of Christian culture, national identity, and a future without values, children, faith and religion.

Hungary wants to freely decide its destiny, the administration of the state and the sale of labor, and the resources, inspiration, and courage for this are provided by those Hungarians who "lived and died free, cannot rest in slave land," said Katalin Novák.

a detailed report on the commemoration in Magyar Hírlap .

commemorative torchlight procession on the 65th anniversary

Photo: Magyar Hírlap / Péter Török