We can count on each other - Viktor Orbán uploaded a photo album with this title on his social media page. The pictures captured the moments of the Peace March held over the weekend and the prime minister's celebratory speech.

As our paper has continuously reported, almost half a million people marched from Szent Gellért square through the small circle to the intersection of Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út and Andrássy út at the right-wing mass event of the Peace March at the weekend. This is where Viktor Orbán delivered his celebratory speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle. The prime minister also talked about next year's elections and the left-wing group lined up against the right-wing camp.

At one point in his speech, he asked those in memory who sympathized with the ruling parties to look at the person standing next to them and remember that they can definitely count on him in the election campaign.

By the way, Ferenc Gyurcsány held a commemoration at the other end of Andrássy út, in front of Hősök tere, which was attended by only a few hundred people.

Source: magyarnemzet.hu

Image: Facebook/Viktor Orbán

More pictures: Viktor Orbán's Facebook page