With this title, Francesca Rivafinoli's article was published on the sándar.hu portal, which we publish in its entirety.

Let's imagine a Prime Minister candidate, even a true Christian, integrative Prime Minister candidate, who holds his own and describes Hungarian voters as clueless idiots in front of the general public. This is what happened the other day, when Péter Márki-Zay explained with his stoic determination: "a good part" of the participants of the Peace March did not even know where they were or where they were being taken by bus. (Contrary to the audience of the opposition group Atal Nem Birka, whose hard core was still groping for Klára Dobrev two weeks ago, who, by the way, thinks Márki-Zay is a fool.)

But this is even the smallest problem, there could be a bigger one here. The new "Haza Bölcse" used the term "good part" as a source of statistical data to compile the independent-objective video of the independent-objective Telex. In which the journalists (reinforcing the prejudices against the Roma in the most shameless way possible) made a four-person brigade speak, whose members really didn't seem very informed. This made MZP aware of "a good part" of the participants, the Fidesz standard quasi. There are two possibilities: one is that a politician would like to lead this country who does not even think that a video from an opposition portal can be tendentious and should be treated with source criticism (for some reason, our collective of four polyglots, with an average of 3-3.5 graduates each, did not speak the Telex - our representation was probably painfully intellectual). The other possibility is that the Catholic MZP also sees the slip, but nevertheless formulates summary statements about Hungarian citizens, easily neglecting the commandment "do not harm the honor of others".

Neither option is very tempting: we sheep know exactly that the good shepherd knows his own and cares for his own. He is aware, for example, that there are simpler sheep and genius sheep, each created by God, and each having a role in the flock - accordingly, he does not look down on any of them haughtily, but truly speaks to them all; both with the brilliantly intelligent young couple and the jobber with incomplete teeth (by the way, the inclusive left-liberals will laugh at the incomplete teeth if a certain set of teeth is not retouched to be spotless on the front page of HVG). Anyone who doesn't understand sheep, who, as a leader, initially feels sorry for individual members of the flock, and even urges his audience to take a good look at those ridiculous squeals in the Telex video, is most likely a hired foreigner, from whom the sheep will run away. It's really not complicated, especially for someone who listens to the gospel in church every Sunday.

It's also strange for us sheep to see when all the "no other" opposition portals "Would you give one to the cult of personality?" and "There is no such thing!" reports that in the "OV'22" webshop you can buy a discount "peace march starter pack" (used) with a canvas bag with the "OV" monogram.

The many non-sheep commenters immediately link to Rákosi's picture, and "Absurdistan!" screams - then the same voters will enthusiastically pull the plug on the Democratic Coalition, whose official webshop has been offering the Special Feri Edition logo bag and the Gyurcsány-signed belt bag for years, and even a drum mask can be purchased for HUF 1,300. Do the opposition who are defeating the government party really have no idea what is going on around their own house, or even in Joe Biden's online store? It would be really sad if we single-minded sheep had to draw attention to such things.

And as for the speeches addressed directly to the flock. "Let's not look at who is standing next to us, but who is standing against us," Péter Márki-Zay urged his diverse audience; "Look at the person standing next to you. If you look into his eyes, you can see him, you can count on him," said Viktor Orbán at the more crowded end of Andrássy út. Well, we sheep raised on wooden fences know one thing for sure: if we recklessly team up with wolves and lynxes to eliminate the sometimes annoyingly restrictive shepherd dog, the next step after eliminating the shepherd dog is that we will probably end up on the table, but very badly. Caution is therefore warranted. So if the question is, who should we choose: the leader who says we should wear blinders, because otherwise we will be terrified and horrified by the predators hiding in our midst, or the one who says we should look at the person next to us, making sure that he is also a lean, predictable sheep of our own kind - then we cattle with a healthy life instinct don't think too much.

Source of our featured image: Professor Ádám