Many right-wingers were outraged by the fact that the party president "made a pact with the government" and hired the CSOK, but the lower-than-expected pre-election performance also contributed to the development of the protest mood.  In recent days, several well-known politicians have started to organize against Péter Jakab, although for the time being "opposition is only taking shape", wrote

Due to the events of the past few weeks, serious dissatisfaction developed within the party, several well-known politicians demanded Jakab's resignation. According to a source with insight into the internal affairs of Kontra Jobbik, the fact that a politician who constantly and forcefully attacked the government took over the CSOK blew the fuse for many. Jakab threatens the right-wing generals with prison every day and talks about Fidesz's exploitation of poor people, but he accepts the family support of the "thief Orbán government" without any problems.

You can't make a pact with Fidesz, one way or the other. If they offer financial benefits, they should be turned down, one of the sources said.  

After this, how can Peti present himself as an unwavering anti-government politician? 

To his knowledge, Jakab did not inform the Jobbik leadership about "the swing", which he considers a big mistake.

The news itself was unpleasant, especially since Jobbik's leading politicians spoke of the discount in a derogatory tone. One of Jakab's most important confidants, member of parliament Dániel Z. Kárpát, repeatedly spoke about the fact that only the "government party staff" can use the opportunity, and the "mortals" are driven away by the bank.

Recently Kontra wrote about the fact that Jakab, in addition to the CSOK, was also able to receive the government's housing renovation subsidy.

Source: Origo, you can read the detailed article here .