The German Catholic Youth Association (KjG) has decided that its members will now write the name of God with an asterisk, which indicates the neutrality of gender identity. According to their idea, this way they can better address the young people who follow the woke ideals.

"The KjG is of the opinion that individual images of God can be multifaceted. What is new, however, is that more and more believers are averse to the idea of ​​a patriarchal, white image of God, and they are declaring this out loud," the organization announced after its autumn meeting held last weekend.

According to KjG, the white male image of God is a theologically unsatisfactory description and makes it difficult for young people to reach God. The introduction of the God* spelling will therefore be preceded by a sensitizing campaign at the association. - reported the online edition of the German evangelical weekly Sonntagsblatt.

In addition to the campaign promoting inclusion, more than forty delegates of the organization also agreed on measures aimed at climate protection. "At the center of KjG is the human being, along with all his abilities and needs," they said.

With about 80,000 members, the KjG is the second largest Catholic youth organization in Germany, but this youth organization is not the first where they felt it important to put God's gender neutrality on their banner. The Catholic Student Youth (KSJ) already decided last year that it would use the designation God*. “We, KSJ, demand a new image of God* that purges the old, punitive white man and makes room for the diversity of God*. Because God* is in every living being," says the justification of the KSJ.

Unfortunately, the Germans are not the only ones who think about homogenizing God. For example, the Church of Scotland previously produced a publication entitled "Different gender identities and pastoral care", the essence of which is that from now on, priests must show greater sensitivity towards transgender people. In the thirty-page document, of which every church in Scotland received a copy, he states that indeed some men have vaginas and some women have penises . They think it's perfectly fine. The Church of Scotland also asks priests to use gender-neutral language about God during sermons (in the English language, the third person singular distinguishes between male and female). Oddly enough, they call it "a 21st century update of the patriarchal scriptures".



Now I would not go into the fact that it is one Almighty three persons: Father-Son-Holy Spirit, where the latter has no gender, but is of one essence with the Father. According to his incarnation, he is a dove. There are no priorities between persons, because God is one .

I'm more afraid of when poor Virgin Mária will be put to death! And holy God: how?

I can only hope as a Catholic that I won't have to sew on the gender star!

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