Any kind of left-wing demonstration is welcome at American universities, but when it comes to conservative expression, the environment is no longer so accepting - even though they are supposed to be fighting for inclusion and tolerance.

Young people often draw on the concrete with chalk to express their attitude towards some matter they consider important. However, as it turns out from the compilation of Campus Reform, there are such chalk drawings that those who think differently are erased. At the same time, this phenomenon is true mainly for conservative messages, but not for left-wing demonstrations - they can take place without any restrictions or vandalism.

This fall, on the campus of Central Michigan University, local Republican students chalked messages of marriage on the sidewalk. However, it caught the eye of a student who didn't expect much, and destroyed messages expressing conservative opinions. Anthony James bragged about his act on the Internet, where he wrote that he spent 45 minutes removing racist and pro-life nonsense from the sidewalk - replacing it with pro-abortion messages.

And in the spring at the University of Texas, members of the conservative student organization Young Conservatives of Texas placed a total of 1,000 pink flags on the Austin campus to remember abandoned children. Each flag represented approximately 800 aborted babies. However, the memorial site did not remain for long, the flags disappeared by the next morning. These were later found tossed in a pile, along with a memorial site poster with slogans such as BLM and "my body, my choice" written on it.

On the other hand, according to the signs, if there is a left-wing demonstration at the universities, there is no problem with it, and no one damages it. At Point Park University in October, the sidewalk was painted with rainbows and pride flags to reassure LGBTQ students of support and, presumably, to celebrate national coming-out day. No one erased these messages from the pavement.

the full article here.

Image: Pixabay