According to Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the previous prefect of the Congregation for the Faith, Catholics have a duty to resist the ideology of the LGBT lobby as something contrary to human dignity, reported on the event.

The Cardinal October 26-29. visited the University of Notre Dame to speak about the essential role of the church in protecting human dignity. As part of the visit, he gave an interview to The Irish Rover, in which he also expressed his opinion on LGBT ideology.

"We must say absolutely no to LGBT propaganda, we must stand against LGBT ideology, because it is absolutely wrong. It is absolutely contrary to our natural, philosophical, and theological anthropology," the cardinal stated, adding that anyone struggling with their sexual identity should turn to God or discuss their issues with a good counselor and pastor in the church.

"God loves all people - regardless of sexual orientation. But we know from reason and revelation that God has a plan for how people should live."

He indirectly addressed the issue of transgenderism, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between men and women.

"If someone is Catholic, they believe that God created man as male and female," he explained. He then clearly stated that the distinction between the two sexes is an absolute condition for the existence of humanity and the following generations.

Finally, he touched on how important it is for children to grow up with parents of the opposite sex, between the two poles of maternal and paternal orientation.

Müller further noted that not only do people who identify as LGBT struggle with the issue of sexuality, but heterosexuals also face constant challenges. "God has given us the task of seeing sexuality as a gift with great responsibility. Moreover, it is a deeply personal gift, so it should not be taken lightly (…) We must develop it and let our sexuality take its toll," the cardinal explained.

His Eminence then spoke about what a man's purpose in life should be. To find a woman and start a family with her. And if the person did not choose the family, he suggested the priestly profession.

The cardinal concluded his thoughts with the sanctity of marriage. He expressed the importance of chastity in marriage. When partners exclude all other sexual partners and learn to live responsibly with their sexuality within marriage. "We all have to learn to be loyal to other people," he emphasized. You have to become one body and one soul, because that is purity within marriage!


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