In nearly a thousand settlements of the Carpathian Basin, 20 thousand Hungarian-speaking kindergartens receive the gift, which includes a small candy and a nice storybook, together with a letter encouraging parents to choose a Hungarian school.

The employees and partners of the Rákóczi Association will deliver the gift packages to foreign institutions between December 6 and 20.

The Rákóczi Association is committed to helping Hungarian communities across the border choose a Hungarian school, convinced that the Hungarian school is the best decision both for the child's hoped-for prosperity as an adult and for the preservation of Hungarian communities.

In order to make the preparation for Christmas in kindergartens as beautiful and meaningful as possible for children, the Association embraces the Advent programs of 270 kindergartens.

Kindergartens and groups of kindergartens could apply for support for their activities related to the Christmas holiday, including crafts, gingerbread baking, Advent wreath making, nativity play, or puppetry.

The Association's Hungarian School Choice Program affects the entire Highlands, Subcarpathia and Vojvodina, in Transylvania and Partium the counties of Máramaros, Szatmár, Bihar, Arad, Temes, Fehér, Hunyad, Szeben, Beszterce-Naszód, Cluj and Krassó-Szörény, as well as in Szászrég, Torda and Dés region, as well as Csangóföld and Croatia.

Text and featured image source: Felvidé