The orphans of Csaba Böjte can request a gift from the Christmas angel, in a letter. This is a special occasion, the angel answers the children and fulfills their dreams: for 17 years, the "Angel's Walk" has made the opening of Christmas gifts an unforgettable experience for the children of the St. Francis Foundation in Déva. More than a thousand people will receive gifts this year as well - judge Dr. Érsek Emese, the dreamer of the "Angel Walk" and volunteer coordinator of the program, told

Children can request a gift from the angel by letter. Already in November, they formulate their three wishes. And the Christmas angel fulfills at least one of the three, but often all three.

In recent weeks, many well-wishers have helped to make the holiday truly joyful for the children raised at the St. Francis Foundation. Judge Dr. Érsek Emese, the dreamer of the "Angel Walk", has been coordinating the work of the angels for seventeen years. He initiated the gift giving based on his childhood experience.

Source: riposte

Father Böjte and his children/Source:áció

This year, three trucks set off, two larger and one smaller, 80-pallet packages with gifts from the children and their helpers, full of love. In order for the gifts to arrive on time at the foundation's homes, at 34 different locations, serious logistical work is required, as the stakes are high, the angels cannot make mistakes, they cannot let a single child down. Just before the departure, we visited the warehouse of Waberer's, which supports the "Angel Walk".

