The prime minister's press conference began in the morning and was broadcast live by several television and radio channels. Below are some excerpts from Mandiner's summary.

About protection against the coronavirus

The performance of the Hungarian economy has already exceeded the level before the coronavirus epidemic, Viktor Orbán said. Growth could be well over six percent this year, while next year it could be between 4-5 percent. Protection will continue next year and will be based on vaccination, said the prime minister. More than 2.4 million Pfizers are available and we have ordered more than 2 million Pfizers for children, said the Prime Minister. We will order 9.5 million Pfizers that are developed against Omicron, Viktor Orbán said. There was enough, there is enough, and there will be enough vaccines, he added.

On economic measures

In 2022, we will introduce economic policy measures that were not known until now, such as the tax exemption for those under 25, said the prime minister. We will restore the full 13-month pension," he added.

About child protection referendum

The third big case will be the child protection referendum, said the head of the comrány. According to Viktor Orbán, the purpose of the referendum is to determine under whose supervision children's sexual education takes place. Parents have exclusive rights in this area.

Immigration and child rearing propagated by LGBTQ movements are the two most important international issues. In Hungary, not the elite, but a referendum decided and will decide both issues," said the head of Korná. Viktor Orbán announced that this is the democratic solution.

About energy crisis

Speaking about the energy crisis, Viktor Orbán said that no agreement was reached at the EU summit. The Prime Minister trusts that the European Commission will make public the starting point that climate protection cannot be achieved without nuclear energy. He also expects that the energy obtained from gas will be temporarily considered sustainable. Today, the banks either do not give credit for these investments, or at a large premium, so this may be resolved. Viktor Orbán also spoke about the fact that when energy prices are high, the fixed price system protects families.

Today, certain energy sources are subject to an extra tax, so if a power plant produces electricity from coal, it has to pay a penalty, this affects several countries in Europe, he added.

According to Brussels' plans, both car owners and apartments should be taxed, there is a rich-poor divide in Europe. The big question is whether we will be enough to prevent this plan," said the prime minister.

Migration issues

There are more and more of us in Europe who say that the persons in question submit their asylum applications at the embassy of the targeted country. The procedure must be conducted outside the Schengen area, Viktor Orbán said. It must be made clear that those who protect the territory of Europe must repay the construction of the fence," he underlined.

Viktor Orbán also spoke about the fact that eight EU countries declared that national law takes precedence over EU law. At home, the Constitutional Court ruled that the Hungarian borders must be protected, and thus we will maintain the current border protection order, he added. The Constitutional Court also decided that the government cannot give in to the EU court in this matter, said the Prime Minister. The Hungarian board stated that not only freedom, but also human dignity includes the fact that no one has the right to change the cultural fabric around the individual - explained Viktor Orbán.

Answering questions from journalists, Viktor Orbán said, among other things, that there is a deep dispute between Brussels and Hungary, he spoke about the fact that he does not support mandatory vaccination, and also that - as János Áder's mandate expires and it can no longer be extended - Novák Katalin is the republican presidential candidate for Fidesz. (This commission was accepted by Katalin Novák.)

In response to a journalist's question, the Prime Minister said that the current 10 percent increase does not solve the teachers' problems, so they are right. I won't give specific future figures, but a decision must also be made on salary arrangements," he said. In connection with another question, he mentioned that the losses of both the MVM and the Mátrai Power Plant must be compensated due to high energy prices. Therefore, we are rescheduling some purchases (airport) and development due in 2022, he added. The goal is to be in the middle of the EU in terms of next year's deficit, said the prime minister. We do not want to risk domestic stability.

the full article here.