Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced at his year-end press conference on Tuesday that Fidesz is nominating Katalin Novák as president of the republic.

On Tuesday, Katalin Novák announced on her social media page that she would accept the invitation to be the head of state candidate in response to what was said at the prime minister's press conference. 

In the post, the minister said: "To represent Hungary, to serve the entire Hungarian nation - I am preparing for this trying task with faith, soul, and heart." I respectfully accept the invitation to be a candidate for President of the Republic. I remain who I am, he wrote.

Katalin Novák said: she gratefully accepts the honorable invitation to run for president of the republic. He emphasized that Hungarian families and Hungarian children are the most important to him, and that he will continue to work for them in the future.

He also mentioned that he will draw strength from his family and his faith in God, which will support him in the task ahead of him. Katalin Novák said: if she is elected, she will represent Hungary as the first female President of the Republic of Hungary and will try to represent the entire nation.

He emphasized that the current head of state, János Áder, was at the forefront of protecting the created world.

Katalin Novák emphasized that it is also very important for her to return the land to our children and grandchildren in a better condition than we received it.

However, as he noted, this requires children and grandchildren.

Source: Facebook/