Metropol found out that the company running under the name of Mártha and his family bought the property worth at least 2 billion directly from the notorious mobster József Prisztás and his family.

reported by Metropol , this is the villa whose terrace and swimming pool shores were published by the number one manager of the capital's utility holding that provoked workers. He rolls out of here in the afternoons, after leaving his company Skoda, in his Bentley brand car, which is favored by the world's billionaires.

launched a real against those through whom the images proving his lifestyle embarrassing the American billionaires were leaked. He declared 26 of his followers suspicious overnight and blocked them immediately.

Metropol learned that serious personal conflicts arose from the suspicions, and in addition, Mártha Imre hired a private investigator to find out who brought him down.

Mártha's Facebook page

Source: metropolis

The billionaire of the Gergely Karácsony municipality, the powerful leader of the capital's public space maintainer, FŐTÁV, horticulture, the funeral company and the chimney sweeps, has personally questioned many of his acquaintances in the past few days, following reports from Metropol. You want to know at all costs who leaked the sensational pictures of luxury trips, yachting, and scantily clad ladies.

But it is even more shocking that Imre Mártha and the company running in the name of his immediate family members directly acquired the luxury property in Svábhegy, estimated at at least 2 billion, directly from one of the most notorious mobsters, József Prisztás, and from his family, where he currently lives exclusively 

Metropol writes.

Mártha's villa

The HUF 2 billion property was previously owned by the legendary mobster József Prisztás. Source: Metropol

In the nineties, József Prisztás had the reputation of a wealthy mobster, with billions of forints, lots of real estate and plots of land, and he made his fortune mostly in nightlife. At the end of the nineties, he was shot in the head at close range in broad daylight on Ladik Street in Óbuda. He had to die because of real estate: in a loan deal, he was offered the same high-value real estate as collateral that was offered to Tamás Portik.

According to Metropol, Prisztás and the Energol leader could not come to an agreement regarding the real estate, so Portik killed Prisztás, whom he was already jealous of.

On the title page of Imre Mártha's luxury house, it is possible to follow exactly how the Mártha family acquired the property worth a substantial fortune from the mobster and, after his murder, from his heirs.

Mártha Prisztás villa property sheet

Source: Metropol

In the meantime, new photos have reached the Metropol editorial office about how Imre Mártha, whose watch collection alone is estimated to be worth around HUF 100 million by his close friends, is provoking with the millions he has acquired.

It can be seen, for example, in one of the pictures submitted to the Metropol editorial office

an expensive piano, on which the art-loving billionaire often entertains the members of the left-wing elite himself, at the parties he gives in the villa he acquired from the Prisztáses.

Mártha's piano

Source: Metropol

The price of a used piano is HUF 34 million, and a new one starts around HUF 50 million. The Steinway company does not disclose prices, each of its pianos is the subject of a separate negotiation with the richest people in the world.

Another picture, also sent to Metropol, is almost unworthy of mention, in which the billionaire utility manager is bragging about a multimillion-dollar electric surfboard. Earthly mortals can hardly know this luxury sports equipment of the world's richest people, the price of which starts at 2,300,000 HUF.

The municipal utility manager, who is trying to protest against the name Gyurcsány-fióka, with whom Mayor Gergely Karácsony often and very willingly takes photos, also provokes his colleagues with a racing horse imported from Ireland 

Metropol writes.

Mártha regularly published photos of an English thoroughbred named Apache Girl, which, according to one of her posts, would hold her own in the famous horse race of the English aristocracy, the Ascot Derby.

If so, the horse could also be worth up to 100 million, since the price of the racehorses of Royal Ascot, the favorite horse race of the English royal family, starts at around 200,000 British pounds.

While Imre Mártha, the head of the capital's public utility holding company, brags about his wealth like this, waste bins and ticket machines are being removed in Budapest to save money, and workers are being fired, who complain to Metropol that they have to be constantly afraid because they fear for their jobs, Metropol added in its article on Tuesday  .
