Since it spreads much faster compared to previous virus variants, omicron will soon become the dominant mutation in Europe, including Hungary. Although opinions differ on the assessment of the severity of the South African strain of the virus, many are already certain that the fifth wave caused by the new super mutant will soon erupt in our country. However, the results of the latest English study give cause for confidence, read Magyar Nemzet.

- A total of 61 people were diagnosed with omicron infection in Hungary, so the figures also show that this is not the dominant strain of the virus in Hungary. However, it is quite certain that it will take control in our country as well - pointed out the chief infectious disease doctor of Dél-Pest Centrumkórház in TV2's Mokka program.

János Szlávik highlighted: although it seems that the South African mutant spreads much faster than previous versions, encouraging news has also been received about it. According to the results of the first major English study, the severity of omicron is much milder, the chance of being hospitalized is less likely for the infected, and the majority of those who are hospitalized are unvaccinated.

- It seems that this virus variant can also be caught by vaccinated people, but only those who have not yet encountered the virus or are not vaccinated will be in a serious condition - noted the specialist.

By the way, the large-scale series of tests carried out by the British government's health security agency coincides with several other tests, which also showed a lower risk of serious diseases caused by the omicron variant. According to the findings of a South African study, patients infected with omicron are 70-80 percent less likely to be hospitalized than those infected with the delta variant.

In connection with the South African virus strain, it was also revealed that its symptoms and incubation period are much shorter, lasting only three to five days, and its recognition is also made difficult by the fact that its symptoms differ from those of previous variants. According to János Szlávik, some people believe that the omicron comes from a mixture of SARS and the common cold. This is also indicated by the first symptoms of infection, sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion, headache and sore throat, explained the specialist.

The full article can be found here.