The left leads itself into a dead end when it fuels the passions surrounding the constitution, said lawyer András Schiffer in the program 48 Minutes.

Zoltán Lomnici Jr. and András Schiffer , former co-chairman of the LMP, were guests of the first broadcast of the program 48 minutes - Host: Tamás Lánczi

In the first part of the program, they talked about, among other things, how the left has been trying to figure out how to change the two-thirds law with a half majority for a long time. Zoltán Lomnici Jr. said that

even after 2002, the left launched a "manhunt" against those appointed by the former Fidesz government.

The constitution provides a framework, so throwing it out would not have the effect desired by the left, since the detailed rules are in pivotal laws, which can be amended by two-thirds. During the Horn government, many two-thirds laws were passed, but no one said they were illegitimate.

"The left is playing to create a crisis following the example of North Macedonia and Belarus," he added.

According to Schiffer, by raising this issue, the left has whipped up tempers so much that they would be under enormous pressure after a possible election victory. And if they go into this game, it creates a crisis situation.

If the constitutional rights are overturned, then who and on what basis will say where the borders are, who is subject to which rules? Schiffer asked. He added: such a situation, regardless of party affiliation, is not in the interest of anyone or Hungary.

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