Anyone who does not accept their child's LGBTQ identity can be jailed for five years in Canada

One of the new Canadian laws classifies the so-called "conversion therapy" as illegal. The law defines said method as “counseling against transgender, non-binary, or non-heterosexual sexuality,” according to The Daily Wire.

Bill C-4 prohibits any counseling based on Christian teaching that accepts sexual intercourse between a man and a woman within marriage.

"Any statement that reinforces the idea that human beings are created completely male or female from birth will also become punishable."

The text of the law defines "conversion therapy" as follows:

Conversion therapy means a practice, treatment or service that aims to change a person's sexual orientation to heterosexual;

changes a person's gender self-expression to match their birth sex;

suppresses or reduces non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behavior;

suppresses a person's non-cisgender (original birth gender) gender identity;

or suppresses or restrains a person's gender expression that does not correspond to their birth sex.

It goes without saying that influencing a person's sexuality or gender identity can only be considered "conversion therapy" if it is consistent with biblical teachings;

however, influence towards homosexuality, non-binary self-awareness or transgenderism is accepted. They want to influence either an adult or a child.

Well-known Canadian pastor James Coates stated that the law "criminalizes evangelism." The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh prefaced his video of the legislation that has outraged conservatives by saying: "Under Canada's new law, if you advise your biologically male child to accept their biological gender identity, you are guilty of 'conversion therapy' and face up to five years in prison can count".


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