The left has brought back the world before 2010, only the Nokia boxes are missing - said political scientist Zoltán Kiszelly in the program 48 minutes - Host: Tamás Lánczi, where, in the company of intellectual historian Gábor Megadja, cases of suspected corruption of the domestic left were scrutinized.

In the public media's news background program, the host Tamás Lánczi brought to life the riches and luxurious lifestyle of Mártha Imre, who runs several companies in the capital, that Mártha ran multinational companies before 2019, and in recent years, capital-owned companies, and then asked if it was possible to put together from these salaries a multi-billion fortune? In his answer, Zoltán Kiszelly called it "interesting" how the left-wing media handles this situation, since the question mark "doesn't even come up".

While investigative articles are being written about billionaires classified as non-leftist, they are silent about Imre Mártha's wealth

- He told.

Gábor Megadja added: In Budapest, the bins and ticket machines were dismantled on the grounds that there is no money to maintain them and hundreds of people are being laid off from companies in the capital, but Imre Mártha posts pictures of his yacht on social media, saying it is a "home office".

Zoltán Kiszelly called this a double standard. According to him, left-wing voters also see that something is wrong here.

Tamás Lánczi also brought up the case of Balázs Barts, since the capital's asset manager Gergely Karácsony was first disciplined for the planned sale of the City Hall, and then at the end of the year, his work was recognized with a reward of millions.

According to Zoltán Kiszelly, the left has an opportunity in 2019 to prove that it will now do a better job than the right-wing city leaders. He stated: they could not have done a better job. There were traffic jams and overlapping renovations.

In addition, it turned out that the world before 2010 has returned. Maybe not the Nokia box yet. As former prime minister Gordon Bajnai said: sharks have appeared around the City Hall. All six parties have people who compete with each other.

According to Gábor Magadja, the strengthening of the Kétfarkú Kutya Párt and Mi Hazánk Mozgalom clearly shows that there is a mood to change the opposition among left-wing voters. The euphoric atmosphere surrounding the primaries has stalled.

According to Kiszelly, the Kétfarkú Kutya Párt and the Mi Hazánk Movement did not exchange tickets for the "opposition Titanic".