Even Political Capital refutes the left-wing parties: it is not possible to hold the referendum initiated by the opposition on April 3.

If all the remaining legal acts took only one day, the opposition would still miss the deadline due to the legal remedy deadlines, the post reveals. Although Miklós Szánthó already explained last week why there is no chance of holding the two-question referendum initiated by the opposition on April 3, the opposition parties adamantly communicate that it is only up to Fidesz. Péter Márki-Zay went so far as to call on Viktor Orbán and Gergely Gulyás to count the signatures immediately.

in its Friday post , Political Capital, which is close to the opposition, refutes the left-wing actors and states:

under no circumstances can the referendum be held at the same time as the parliamentary elections.

"Today, the opposition parties submitted the signatures of their referendum initiative. The fact that they communicate that the referendum can still be held at the same time as the April 3 election is understandable from a political communication point of view: it will not be like that, but they can blame it on the framework of the law and the slowness of the institutions involved. What is even more strange is that this interpretation is passed on in the Hungarian media in such a way that since the referendum questions were submitted in July of last year, it was known with 99% certainty that it would not pass through the system until April this year. Today, the situation is different only in that the 99% has grown to 100%," they write, and then describe the remaining process.

  • Verification of signatures (max. 60 days)
  • Legal redress deadline (5 days)
  • Review of the appeal request - Manor (max. 5 days)
  • Informing the President of the Parliament (max. 8 days)
  • The President of the Parliament announces the initiative at the Parliament session (next session day)
  • The Parliament orders the referendum (max. 30 days)
  • Publication of the Parliament's decision in the Hungarian Gazette (max. 8 days)
  • Legal remedy deadline (15 days)
  • Review of legal remedy - Constitutional Court (max. 30 days)
  • Scheduling of the referendum - President of the Republic (max. 15 days)
  • The day of the referendum (70-90 days from the announcement, min. 50 days in case of announcement)

"If each of the above acts only took 1 day each, it would not even then be possible to set the referendum for April 3rd (of course, you have to wait for the two legal remedy deadlines). And if all time frames are used to the maximum, the process can even be extended until October"

- concludes the post.

Source: mandiner.hu

Featured image: MN/Zoltán Havran