We are pushing for the success of the negotiations between the Russian Federation and the United States, Tony Blinken and Sergey Lavrov, and that the problems can be solved through diplomatic means, stated Péter Szijjártó Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the interview he gave to Rob Schmitt of the American News on Max Tonight.

In connection with the ongoing US-Russian negotiations regarding Ukraine, the minister stated: Hungary is a Central European country, so we understand history very well and have learned the lessons from it - from our own history. "And based on that, whenever there was a conflict between the East and the West in the past, the small, central European countries became the losers of that conflict, regardless of when the conflict took place, regardless of what the nature of the conflict was. , regardless of who was involved. If an East-West conflict arises, we, the Central Europeans, are always the losers," the head of the ministry pointed out, explaining why Hungary was interested in resolving the problems arising in connection with Ukraine through diplomatic means.

"We also welcome the talks in Geneva last week, and I hope that this will not end in a dead end, I hope that they will continue the dialogue, and I hope that to a certain level Russia and the United States will create a communication platform. Otherwise it will be very difficult. And you know we hated the period of the Cold War and we don't want it to return," highlighted Szijjártó.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was also asked about the upcoming parliamentary elections in Hungary , while the presenter reminded that former US President Donald Trump had assured Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of his support on several occasions. Szijjártó said about the elections: it will be a very unique election in Hungary.

"We have a large political family on the center-right and right of the political palette, and under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, we won the last three elections, with a two-thirds majority all three times, and now the entire opposition, from the extreme right - from the anti-Semites - to the extreme left, has united against us . I remember the criticisms that were leveled at us because of the existence of the so-called anti-Semitic party, which was always against us. And now that this anti-Semitic party unites with the liberals, the socialists, the greens, the former communists, no one says a word . No one is saying this is unacceptable or anything like that. So this is a double standard," emphasized Szijjártó.

The full conversation can be viewed here:

Source: Magyar Hírlap

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