The opposition is taking the signatures to the election office with a chain link - I read on Friday, on the index. Well, among many other things, it was also read:

The opposition held a joint press conference on Friday morning, where they announced: 235,000 people will bring 470,000 signatures to the National Election Office...

Although I'm not a mathematician - I must admit that I studied arithmetic in primary school - but I managed to solve the number-increasing hocus pocus quickly. Because whether I multiply by two or divide by two, the result is two questions: Fudan University and the job search allowance.

Therefore, the signatures were not collected on one page, but separately, thus increasing the amount of signatures and thus increasing the number of boxes that required a live chain, since there are still more than 50 boxes.

Well, this juggling act was also solved, although Márki-Zay's magically broken hand also made me think a bit, which hand was broken in the end?

One photo shows the right, the other photo shows the left!

Mark - better

Image source: szerelekmagyarorszá

Márki left

Image source:







You dude! One of the pictures came out upside down. Well, which one?

Because we can sense it with Márki-zür, the right hand does not know what the left is doing, of course two left-handers cannot be ruled out either.

(Header image: MTI)