Péter Márki-Zay , the opposition's candidate for prime minister, presents himself as a right-wing politician, he surrounded himself with Ferenc Gyurcsány's people and clearly represents the position of the left on important social and political issues. About this Dániel Deák, the XXI. Század Institute's leading analyst spoke on Kossuth Rádió's Vasárnapi newspaper program.

He pointed out: Péter Márki-Zay appeared last October with the intention of appealing to right-wing voters. He thought that if he said he was a right-wing politician, the voters would believe him. , Péter Márki-Zay's speeches - whether it's about health care, immigration or utility reduction - represent the same position as that of left-wing politicians, such as Ferenc Gyurcsány or Gordon Bajnai, the leading analyst pointed out.

Dániel Deák cited as an example that the opposition's candidate for prime minister "turned his head" in favor of paid health care, and he spoke about it in a recording, thinking that it is bad that visiting fees and hospital daily fees are taboo in Hungary.

He clearly shares the position of left-wing politicians, paints a false picture when he refers to himself as a right-winger - concluded the analyst, who noted: it seems that the voters do not really believe him.

He also touched on the fact that the team of experts around him and the writers of his program are the same people who held important positions during the Gyurcsány era and during the left-wing government.

Júlia Király, who as a former vice president of the central bank assisted the left's bad economic policy, which practically bankrupted the country, has been with Péter Márki-Zay . Júlia Király is clearly Ferenc Gyurcsány's man - noted the analyst.

As another example, he mentioned György Surányi, who sold Hungary's gold reserves and was president of the central bank during the austerity package of Lajos Bokros. He cited Ágnes Vadai and Zoltán Komáromi from DK as further examples, emphasizing that it appears that Ferenc Gyurcsány surrounded himself with people.

According to Dániel Deák, the myth that Péter Márki-Zay was a civilian candidate who came from outside politics was "destroyed" a long time ago. At the same time, when the list was drawn up, "the parties dictate, Ferenc Gyurcsány dominates", and none of Péter Márki-Zay

"In the period since the regime change, there has never been such a weightless, weak prime minister candidate even on the left," he assessed.

The opposition prime minister candidate summed up his adjectives and statements about his political opponents and right-wing voters in such a way that they are neither a Christian man nor a self-proclaimed nationalist, right-wing politician. Insulting voters in this way clearly does not fit into the image he wants to build about himself. The analyst drew a parallel with what could be seen with Mayor Gergely Karácsony, who also told many lies about himself, his language skills, and how his rural origins influenced him. They all collapsed, and his support collapsed - he pointed out, adding: the situation is similar with Péter Márki-Zay

The leading analyst emphasized: the fact that Péter Márki-Zay attacks and defames voters in such a recurring way shows that he does not respect the fundamentals of representative democracy either. He defends himself by saying that they just slip out of his mouth, but this is not the case at all, the adjective "disabled" is a recurring element in his lyrics, he said.

He also touched on the fact that Péter Márki-Zay is "messianic-conscious" and started saying slogans common to various religious sects at various events. The analyst acknowledged this as the result of internal surveys, which probably show that the candidate's opinion and the support of the left are decreasing month by month. Pollsters close to the opposition also come to this conclusion. According to Dániel Deák, both Ferenc Gyurcsány and the left are dissatisfied with him, and that is why he fled into this communication.


Photo: Zoltán Havran / magyarnemzet.hu