A few days ago we wrote that our country also applied for the Slovak tank tender, which caused the Slovak papers to get an itchy phrase. Now another fear of war has crept into the minds of our Slovak friends in connection with the Hungarian-Russian fertilization.

In Slovakia, it is a regular practice to illustrate the Russian-Ukrainian conflict with the relationship between Slovakia, Hungary and the Hungarians in Slovakia, reports azönnalni.hu.

Both Putin and Orbán want to change the borders of their country, according to a Slovak publicist. The Orbán-Putin meeting was also a much-discussed topic in Slovakia; A more serious response among Hungarians in Slovakia opinion article published , whose author, energy expert Karel Hirmann, writes at one point about the Hungarian Prime Minister and the Russian President:

"Both of them share a common strategic goal: to push the boundaries of their countries with their neighbors in such a way as to eliminate the losses they suffered during the turbulent events of the twentieth century."

The unity party of Hungarians in Slovakia, the Alliance, the platform of one of its predecessor parties, the MKP, responded to the opinion article in a statement published on Facebook

which, moreover, they received "from behind", "that is, from the part of the media that is closer to our MKP values, namely from the conservative side"

the statement said.

Postoj, which published the opinion article, is the conservative newspaper to which Viktor Orbán gave a high-profile interview in May 2021, among other things, outlining a Central European vision that will bring about the renaissance of the region.

"It's a fact that few Slovak politicians and opinion leaders go next door for a little Orbán phobia. That famous Hungarian card lurks not only in the pockets of our liberal but also, unfortunately, conservative fellow citizens. And I don't hesitate to catch it on occasion. The sad thing is that even after so many decades of peaceful coexistence, they are not able to see us as a fellow nation. For the majority, we are still a national risk factor..."

- says the announcement of the MKP platform.

The announcement recalls that in recent weeks, Russian-Ukrainian tensions have been compared to Hungarian-Slovak relations in two other newspapers.

The center-right-liberal SME newspaper published an opinion piece entitled "Imagine Hungary attacking Slovakia" , whose author, translator and publicist Samuel Marec, outlines in a thought experiment to illustrate the situation in Ukraine, what would happen if Hungary made a claim to Csallóköz, Crimea it would similarly annex it, and the neighboring countries would react to this with the same pragmatism as those who do not particularly sympathize with Ukraine react in Slovakia. This also written about here and here)

The most read Slovak internet newspaper, Aktuality.sk, stated in its editorial content, in its funny weekly news commentary video column entitled "Difficult Week", that no one helped Ukraine when the Russians took Crimea from them, because Ukraine is not a member of NATO. but if, say, the Hungarians wanted to take Rimaszombat from the Slovaks, then since Slovakia is a NATO member, the allies would immediately help. Of course, commentator Jakub Gulík generously forgets here that Hungary is a member of the same federal systems as Slovakia.

In Slovakia, Hungarians from the highlands are regularly compared to the armed separatists of the post-Soviet countries.

In the spring of 2021, the fact that the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, a member of the libertarian Freedom and Solidarity Party, did this in connection with the amendment of the citizenship law (which still excludes someone from acquiring Hungarian citizenship without living permanently in Hungary) caused a great uproar in the spring of 2021.

The representative of the largest government party, OĽaNO (Simple People and Independent Personalities), Juraj Krúpa, the chairman of the national security committee of the Slovak parliament, explained in the summer a parallel between the Hungarians in Slovakia and South Ossetia, why Slovakia rejects the Minority Safepack , and

why did he join the European Commission in the lawsuit that the initiator FUEN initiated at the Court of the European Union against the European Commission that cut the Minority Safepack.

In his protest article parliamentarian György Gyimesi writes: These statements are reminiscent of the 90s, this is the rhetoric of Ján Slota and his successors, and these words, sentences and thoughts are from the darkest period in the common history of the two nations," said Gyimesi and drew attention , that two reasons can lie in the background. One is that these journalists are afraid of Hungarians.

The other option is

"that they contribute to the fight of the liberals and the Brussels mainstream against Viktor Orbán, which can also be interpreted as interference in the Hungarian elections"

he highlighted.

Well, to the right-wing and left-wing professional fearmongers, we can only quietly say: Hungary's borders are thousands of years old, there is nothing to be afraid of! We are the people of the Holy Crown!

Featured image: ma7.sk