Ferenc Gyurcsány joined the campaign, and on Tuesday he posted another rant on Facebook. Now he asked Viktor Orbán about the Ukrainian crisis, who he thinks should look in the mirror because he is not speaking out because of the entry of Russian peacekeeping troops into Donetsk.

Comrade Brother Ferenc - let Márki-Zay decide which exactly, communist or fascist - he wondered what the Hungarian Prime Minister would do, "if a neighboring country invaded two Hungarian counties, because they presented themselves as independent, and now the neighbor comes to keep the peace. You would confuse the hell out of them, talk about the death of the nation and invite the nation to fight," wrote Gyurcsány indignantly. In fact, he even blamed Viktor Orbán for ignoring the Transcarpathian Hungarians.

Then, Brother or Comrade Ferenc, let's take a look at the logical somersaults and the outright lies from Gyurcsány!

On the one hand, a politician who gives something to himself does not exemplify completely unrealistic fictions, especially not by proposing an imaginary military operation against our country. Among other things, Hungary cannot end up in a situation like Ukraine, because here the national minorities have a golden life, the cultural, self-governing and political legal system that the domestic ethnicities have is exemplary even by the most sophisticated European standards.

On the other hand, in Ukraine, the minorities, the Russians and the Transcarpathian Hungarians, have been living in brutal disenfranchisement similar to the Ceausescu dictatorship in Romania in the 1980s.

After the slides, let's look at the original Gyurcsány lies, for example, that Viktor Orbán did not speak. In recent years and in recent days, the Hungarian Prime Minister has emphasized in every single statement that Hungary stands by the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Now, after the Russian troops entered Donetsk and before Gyurcsány's Facebook post, Viktor Orbán already said yesterday that Hungary is part of the EU's common position. So there are no contradictions in the policies and statements of the Hungarian Prime Minister so far,

our country respects international law, the sovereignty of nations, the territorial integrity of states, and of course our own independence, which we would even defend with weapons if necessary.

If it's fiction, I'll ask something between us. Ferenc, what would you do if Székelyföld declared its independence from Romania? So? Tough question, isn't it? Would you still stand up for Romania's territorial integrity? You don't have to answer right away, I'll give you time. In the meantime, take out those cute photos when Putin at the Apró villa, it's so touching how you drank his words to the "dictator" - as you used to call him these days - and fixed Vladimir with such an almost embarrassing look.


Photo: MTI / Szilárd Koszticsák

Then remember the day in December 2004, when you succeeded in defeating the referendum, the initiative on the dual citizenship of Hungarians living abroad, with your disgusting, demagogic campaign against Hungarians across the border.

And after that, the mirror can come, if you're still able to look into it.

Source: magyarnemzet.hu/Kis Ferenc (MWH)

Featured image: MTI