With the support of the Hungarian government, Mikszáth Kálmán Szlovák National Primary School in Nézsa is being renovated, the first stage of improvements was handed over in the Nógrád county settlement on Wednesday.

Miklós Soltész, the State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office responsible for church and ethnic relations, said at the ceremony that the school has received almost one hundred million forints for various investments in recent years.

The politician put it this way: Slovaks in Hungary have been loyal citizens of the country for centuries, and I would like to thank them for this with the developments that have been realized in recent years through strong cooperation with the Slovak leaders in Hungary.

Mihály Balla (Fidesz), the parliamentary representative of Nógrád County's electoral district No. 2, pointed out that by renovating the school and the former Reviczky castle, several values ​​are being protected.

Source: Felvidek.ma

Featured image: MTI/Péter Komka