A strange picture greeted the TV viewer one evening last week, when he switched to the ATV program A nap híre.

The caption contained a quote Péter Márki-Zay 's interview with Népszava, which said: "Even in the Fidesz camp, many people consider Viktor Orbán a traitor." The participants of the discussion commented on the actions of the prime minister in connection with the war, not always closely related to the inscription that was constantly displayed. However, the statement in large letters constantly indicated that Péter Márki-Zay's statement was true, as if many of the Fidesz people really considered the prime minister a traitor.

Verse circle.

Not only Fidesz members, but even leftists agree in large numbers with his measures, with his intention that Hungary should stay out of the war.

Even as the danger increases, even as the fighting is closer to our borders than before. This is not a question, according to surveys, nine out of 10 respondents agree with this, and almost all Hungarians do their part in providing for refugees as one person.

There can be no question that Viktor Orbán and the overwhelming majority of Hungarians are on the same side. On the safety side.

So how do the boots get on the table? How can Márki-Zay declare again and again that the prime minister is a traitor? And if he already declares it, then why does this untrue caption have to appear on the television screen as if it were the truth? With this easy editorial approach, viewers can be misled without the invited guests having said a single word about the topic. However, if they had said it, they certainly would not have praised the government, because that is not why they were invited there.

Source: smo

They go together/Source: szmo

Compared to this, it is interesting that even Gábor Horn Gyurcsány during his active SZDSZ days - found this statement to be too much. With his current statement, he just sent the Gyurcsány clone, Mini Fer, to a warmer climate, when he said:

"I don't think that Fidesz would consider Orbán a traitor, I don't think Márki-Zay is aware of such research."

In any case, the above data indicate that there are no such researches, or if there are, they contain untrue data so that Márki-Zay, who puts himself in a difficult campaign communication situation, can refer to something. But he didn't show anything, he just stated the untruth with a serious face. Again, he was just bluffing to make his electoral rival look as bad as possible for his own victory.

Another question is that the majority of people just laugh at this, because the elections are less than a month away

it is almost a commonplace that the Captain cannot be taken seriously at all.

Of course, you can still vote for him, which is sad that the left can only present such a dangerously frivolous figure as a candidate to whom they would entrust the country.

But how dangerous the entire left is, how duplicitous, how hard you can't believe a single word they say, is best demonstrated by Gábor Horn's appearance on ATV.

While doubting that Márki-Zay knew of research that would support Orbán's treason, he stated:

"I can forgive such a sentence. I don't like treason, because I don't think Orbán is a traitor."

Gábor Horn can therefore forgive a lie with which they try to smear the prime minister, humiliate him, and undermine Hungary's security so that the prime minister can be replaced on April 3. According to Horn, replacing it with a lie is a damn democratic and even more forgivable crime.

Well, please, this is the essence of Gyurcsányism. Lying, disregarding the interests of voters. Even though Gábor Horn took a step away from big politics, even though he literally sent Gyurcsány to a warmer climate that year, his heart still beats for Brussels, the nation-state, and the end of Hungarian freedom. That the Hungarians should be subjects, servants in the one-centered EU empire, which is controlled by Uncle Gyuri, arm in arm with the big capitalists of the background power lined up behind the simplest American president in history.

And the migrant-free, child-loving, stable country would be thrown into the trash along with the community of nation states.

Source: József K. Horváth /888.hu/Flagmagazin

Featured image: MTI/Attila Kovács