The photo editor of Telex found the moment of the Russian-Ukrainian war, when the locals tried to get a man injured by shrapnel to a safe place at the border of the settlement called Irpiny, to be g@cijo. With this, they have permanently removed themselves from the list of acceptable press products.

It is not known whether it was the feverish effort, the so-called news competition, or carelessness that caused the portal to publish its war coverage with the above comment. In our small analysis, we tried to find the inimitable working methods of those who are like no other.

Source: PS

The presumable peak of the professional political career of Bangóné Bangón, who is currently preparing for the challenges of civilian life, was quickly burned into our brains, when she tried to present the machine of totalitarian state terror with a very strong image , as the master lays face-first on the floor the representatives who have been clowning for days in the public media building, only then, as we know, that particular phone remained switched on, so then the dramaturgical master firecracker exploded in front of the country and the world. Anyway, this face-forward humiliation is somewhat audible, because it was once the license of the intellectual predecessors of the left, they used to scratch their own comrades like this in the past, after they were secretly hanged as a result of their conceptual lawsuits. At their reburials, they also said never again, only to continue where they left off.

Although Bangóné leaves behind a painful void in domestic political life, the branch of power that directs the real politics of the left, at the same time, their press is trying with all its efforts to make up for this intellectual loss. An excellent opportunity for this is the Russian-Ukrainian war, which, according to the indications, is an excellent opportunity for click hunting in the current press section;

they don't bring their skins to the market anyway, but photojournalists and cameramen reporting from the front, whose work "emerges" into gecijó - originally gecijó (sic!) pictures when they arrive in Budapest.

Even without moralizing, it would be interesting to see their working methods when selecting photos. Which is the better picture? Which one has more corpses? Or which one is bloodier? Maybe a small child/kitten torn apart by shrapnel? How can a photo deserve the gecijo title? Is this the top category? Maybe there is also an übergecijo? Is there more up if there is no more down?

Source: PS

Featured Image: Wikipedia