For days, we have been participating and inviting open-hearted Christian brothers and sisters to the international prayer chain Europe Prays for Ukraine. We translate and send the prayers, and now together with our 18,172 registered brothers and sisters, we pray every day from 5 pm local time on the daily topic given according to the guiding thread, and we forward the prayers to everyone. The guide thread is available HERE.

Paying attention to the guidance of the Holy Trinity in this great prayer alliance, we were given the task during prayer:

contact the churches of the countries bordering Ukraine through their institutions and the press, and ask them to create prayer points at the border crossings.

After all, we all know that the people of Ukraine are deeply religious, they are Orthodox and Greek Catholics, and a large part of Transcarpathian Hungarians are devout Reformed. Having crossed the border, let them feel and face the good feeling that they are not left alone.

In addition to the sacrificial aid campaigns and the fantastic amount of donations, they must feel that they have arrived in Europe as Christians.

Psychological support is also necessary, but it is not enough to satisfy deeply religious needs. Establishing prayer points is not an overwhelming task. Nowadays, there are meeting points at all stations across Europe, and there are also small counters with signboards at border crossings: prayer point. And a few things would also be enough for spiritual conditioning: Bible in Ukrainian and English, verb sheets also in two languages. And Christian brothers on duty: the Christian pastors of the settlements near the crossing can organize the duty. There can always be a priest, minister, presbyter, member of the church council, clergy and laity, pastors and members of the presbytery who are on spiritual duty for a few hours next to the prayer table. With good organization, this extremely important service would require only a few hours a day or every two days from the voluntary spiritual workers.

At the prayer point, meetings that provide spiritual care, comfort, and form a prayer community could take place. They must feel that they arrived in Christian Europe during their escape! God will not leave them here either! This is a situational mission task that we should seize as an opportunity of the hour.

Let us first of all pray for this today and in the following days, so that the responsible decision-makers recognize that this is an especially good opportunity.

Let the more than 2,500-year-old Word guide our thoughts and decisions: I listened to your prayer, I saw that you wept. I will heal you... 2 Kings 20.5 Let the prayer points become spiritual healing points, blessed points for the healing of internal wounds, filling stations for the power of Christian faith.

Today's main prayer topic

A plea for the residents of bombed cities, for those mourning the dead, for the injured, for terrified children and their protective parents, for medical personnel, for those who are fleeing, to reach the border crossings and find places of prayer, religious spiritual aid providers, praying brothers, those who cannot escape or for those who don't want it, for water, food, shelter.

Prayer for Ukrainian Orthodox refugees

Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, our hope and salvation, have mercy on those who have been driven from their homeland, Ukraine, and are seeking refuge elsewhere. Guide their steps as You did with Your holy family when they had to flee from the murderous wrath of Herod, and preserve them from all danger, evil and disaster as they flee from war, unrest, persecution and cruel injustice. You, Who declared that foxes have dens, but You have nowhere to lay Your head, give inner peace and help to those who are tired, wounded and defenseless.

Give peace, wisdom and compassion also to the cities and regions to which they flee, so that they may receive those who come in great numbers and in great misery. Bless and multiply the goods they can give, just as You, our Lord, multiplied the bread and the fish to feed many, blessing those who give and those who receive. Bless them with generosity and the Holy Spirit, that they may offer shelters of rest and relief to those in need, that your hospitality may overcome the madness of evil men.

Forgive all the sins of those who are forced to leave their homes, and have mercy on those who take them in and offer them shelter, because you are good and loving. Lead those who have caused the refugees to be separated from their homes, cities, and countries to recognize their sins.

We glorify you, our gracious Lord and God, together with your Father, who is from eternity, and together with the good and life-giving Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Author: Dr. Lajos Békefy

Image: Pixabay