"In the next three days, we will organize next week's defense in order to continue to be able to provide assistance to all those in trouble," Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Wednesday afternoon on his way to the Debrecen barracks.

In a video uploaded to his Facebook page, the Prime Minister said that they will work there in the next three days. The reason for this, he continued, is that

according to Wednesday morning reports, 429,000 refugees have already arrived in Hungary.

They are fleeing not only from war, but also from war

And the war is not abating, but expanding, and as the war expands, there is a danger that even more people will arrive in Hungary next week, and this presents us with a huge challenge, the prime minister pointed out.

He added: so many people come because

now they are fleeing not only from war, but from war.

"We are proud that Hungary has so far been able to provide for all refugees,

in the next three days, we will organize next week's defense in order to continue to be able to provide assistance to all those in trouble"

said the Prime Minister.