How often do we need new world orders? As often as an oil change?

As Joe Biden spoke at the Business Roundtable's quarterly CEO meeting in Washington on Monday:

"Now has come a time when things are changing. There will be a new world order out there and we will have to lead it. And to do that, we need to rally the rest of the free world.”

Barely thirty years have passed since George HW Bush promised a new world order, and it seems that it is already out of date. But the story is much older. During the 20th century, politicians such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill used the term "new world order". British author and futurist HG Wells went further than "progressives" in the 1940s when he appropriated and redefined the term "New World Order" as synonymous with the technocratic world state and the planned economy.

But the New World Order, in its most militant form, was expressed by James Warburg, who appeared before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 and declared:

“We're going to have a world government whether we like it or not. The only question is whether we will achieve world government by consent or by conquest.”

James Warburg was an American banker of German origin, financial advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt. His father, Paul Warburg, was also a banker, a member of the Warburg family and the father of the Federal Reserve (FED) system…

This is the same thought that David Rockefeller - the last grandson of John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil (ExxonMobil), Rockefeller University and the Rockefeller Foundation - said:

"What we still need is a crisis of the right size and the peoples of the world will accept the new world order."

The global elite - or, as Dr. János Drábik calls it, the background power, in the words of Professor László Bogár: "the ones we cannot talk about" - are supported by three institutions in their increasingly open pursuit of a new world order. The Bilderberg Group, the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Also, János Drábik described that what we call background power essentially means the not-so-imaginary financial-power pyramid, at the top of which are approximately 300-400 families.

, Gordon Bajnai, who is currently working on winning the "swinging districts" in the election, was invited to the secret meeting of the aforementioned Bilderberg group , and since then it is believed that he is the link between Hungary and certain circles of the background power. (In this regard, it is not at all inconceivable that he would be named prime minister in the event of an unwanted but theoretically possible victory of the left.)

Daniel Estulin's 2005 monograph The True Story of the Bilderberg Group even lists the goals of the background power. According to the book, they are:

  • creation of a uniform global value system,
  • centralized management of the world's population using brain control,
  • creating a new world order in which there is no middle class, only masters and servants,
  • a society without growth, where there is no prosperity or progress, only more and more power and wealth for the elites,
  • continuous war and created economic crises,
  • absolute control of education in order to influence public opinion and pre-select leaders,
  • globalizing the WTO and NAFTA,
  • Making NATO a world army,
  • development of a global legal system,
  • the creation of a global welfare state in which obedient servants are rewarded and rebels persecuted.

The vision of the new world order - with background power leadership - naturally affects Europe as well. This is what the goal of creating the United States of Europe is about, which is so enthusiastically and loudly supported by Klára Gyurcsányé Dobrev and all those who are on the (salary) list of Soros's "sympathizers" in Brussels. We quote again from János Drábik:

"In the European Union, the value-setting productive (physical) economy has been replaced by a monetary economy - crematism - based on the priority of circulation, consumption, indebtedness and interest collection. In this system, monetary authority, which is today the most important authority, became the private monopoly of a small group of international investment bankers. This transnational group operates the private money system for its own benefit, the engine of which is interest rate automation. This interest-capitalist private-money monopoly, separated from the real economy, automatically increases the amount of money, as well as the amount of securities and derivatives based on money. As a result, only two percent of money, securities and derivative claims currently in circulation, i.e. all monetary assets, are covered by real assets, real estate, goods and services. This system, operated with unsecured money and securities and speculative derivatives, can collapse like a house of cards at the slightest shock, it is so volatile.”

This fight has now begun in order to reduce and minimize the role of the "dollar made out of thin air" (DJ's use of words). Since 7 out of 10 US dollars are somewhere abroad, if Russia, China and India could unite against the dollar, the unstable system described above could really collapse, and with it the idea that the new world order will be led by the United States.

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