Péter Szijjártó put it as follows at a Megafon event: "What I think can be expected in the next period are the very rough foreign interventions in the Hungarian election process, its campaign and its hoped-for outcome."

All of this is very important because a few weeks ago Patrick M. Byrne , a major entrepreneur and election expert, was published in Hungarian, entitled: The Great Election Fraud. (Original publication: DeepCapture, March 2021, Hungarian publisher: Pannónia Nyomda Kft.) My bad news is that after reading this book, we have to step out of our comfort zone and face what really happened in the United States in November 2020.

And all of this can serve as a lesson for us before April 3. I would recommend the book as mandatory reading for anyone interested in politics and the world. Because this book proves with factual data that a brutal election fraud took place in favor of Joe Biden and to the detriment of Donald Trump. But I consider myself a realist, very few people will read this book, which is authoritative and fundamental.

That's why I can't do anything else: I'll try to briefly summarize its content so that, if possible, we don't see what happened through a mirror.

So: Patrick M. Byrne, the author, organized a team of election experts around himself to investigate the election process and possible abuses, he came into contact with more and more important people, and in the end he worked Michael Flynn and his lawyer, Sydney Powell together, he also contacted and cooperated with legendary former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani , who Trump with investigating election fraud. with Donald Trump was slowly losing hope, who revived after the meeting with them, knowing the facts they told him, asked Sydney Powell to be his special adviser and restarted the investigations.

But let's go back to the beginning!

I quote Byrne verbatim: “In the week after the election, my team and I processed roughly fifty percent of all the data. This meant that we figured out the strategy: they did not cheat across the entire country, but only in those particular six cities, thus modifying the results of the election in the entire state, which was enough to produce a different result at the national level as well.

The following happened: on November 3, the counting of votes was suspended for a while in six key cities, whose weight was also decisive at the national level. They are: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix and Las Vegas. They stopped counting for three hours [...] James Woods asked the next day: "Since when is it possible that they just stop counting votes on election day?"

In these places, on election night, there was an unexpected change in results unprecedented in the history of the United States. Suspicion was clearly directed at Dominion Voting System Corporation's voting machines. Byrne describes that their cyber experts indicated within a few days that hundreds of thousands of votes were cast in 99.4 percent, and in some cases even one hundred (!) percent in favor of Biden.

In the following days, around fifty thousand official declarations of election irregularities were made, and for the first time even the president of the state election commission questioned the credibility of the results of the Pennsylvania election , without consequences. John Lott called the results of Georgia and Pennsylvania a fraud, since 289,000 votes appeared out of nowhere (!) in favor of Biden in the affected states.

Byrne's extremely important sentences: “The machines of the Dominion Voting System are deliberately flawed so that systemic fraud can be carried out. The system intentionally generates a large amount of incorrect votes. Incorrect votes are placed in a pending set, whose further fate is decided without any verification or public scrutiny. This is an accurate description of how to steal votes and therefore an entire election.”

Incidentally, Dominion is headquartered in Toronto, and its entire intellectual property is managed by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC), a Chinese bank headquartered in London.

Patrick M. Byrne continued to cooperate with Sidney Powell , Michael Flynn's also contacted "the mayor of the Americans", Rudy Giuliani Donald Trump intended to play a key role in exposing and proving electoral fraud - however, according to Byrne, Trump made a huge mistake in this , because Giuliani, perhaps because of his age (he was 76 at the time), was unable to see the role and significance of modern electrotechnical devices in the fraud. The XXI. in the "postmodern" fraud of the 20th century.

Thanks to Byrne's determination and insistence, he and Powell and Flynn reached Donald Trump, and after the talks on December 18, Trump again began to believe that something could be done. Trump understood what they were talking about, started the process, and, as I mentioned above, appointed Powell as his special adviser on the subject, putting him above Giuliani.

However, a turnaround soon occurred, and those forces within the White House that did not want to change the election "results" launched a counterattack , and after a few days Powell's appointment became invalid, Giuliani remained.

I'm just asking quietly: couldn't it have been the people of the deep state who resisted Trump, the forces that are present in the administration of every president, and whom Trump has not managed to expel from the government?

From then on, the Byrnes were pushed to the sidelines, and they had less and less room to move. They watched helplessly as Trump was pushed out of the possibilities. Towards the end of that process, Trump even tried to get Michael Pence to appear before Congress when the electoral votes were certified on January 6 and demand a recount and new investigations. According to Byrne's information, Pence still accepted Trump's invitation on January 5th, agreed with him, and was preparing to do something on the 6th, but on the same day Pence was convinced by his "advisors" (by name Marc Short) not to do anything. Pence "convinced" (I wonder why?) and informed the president that same day not to expect anything from him on the 6th.

There was reportedly a lot of yelling going on in the Oval Office.

And on January 6th, what we already know happened: Congress confirmed that Joe Biden is the legitimate president-elect.

To conclude the story, I mention, based on Byrne, that according to an experienced expert professor working in public institutions, in reality Trump received 79 million votes, while Biden received 68 million votes. However, according to the "official" final result, Trump won only 74 million votes, while Biden won 80 million. How - that's another question.

What can I say at the end?

we should take the words of Péter Szijjártó seriously one day before April 3rd

Gordon Bajnai and his right-hand man, belonging to the György Soros , were previously influenced by Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and even Germany through the international, globalist company DatAdat. (!) political processes. They also found out - which affects us more closely - that they helped Márki-Zay's campaign in last year's primary election , and since then they have been supporting the Prime Minister candidate's Facebook campaign with various techniques.

And the threads come together in that the Bajnais are in close contact with the deep-state-controlled Democrats, who are believed to have overthrown Trump by fraud, and derive their methods from there, and György Soros' network is in close contact with both "teams". And here we are before an election, and we must prepare for all eventualities.

The beginning of the week – the hacking of portals that profess national values ​​– has already shown that nothing is too expensive for the globalists, they consider all means to overthrow the Orbán government permissible. This is war they make, so let's keep the gunpowder dry on Sunday!

Up to victory!

Source: Hungarian Nation

Author: Tamás Fricz, political scientist

(Header image source: Wikimedia Common/Tools)