The full-length statue of Prince Gábor Bethlen to be erected in Gyulafehérvár Castle, for which we already have the permits, is meant to remind us of the golden age of Transylvania. The monument celebrates the 400th anniversary of the college founded by the great statesman. The statue of Gábor Bethlen is located in Gyulafehérvár Castle, where he reigned. - can be read on the Krónika portal.

"All obstacles to the installation of the statue have been removed," Csaba Árpád Ladányi, RMDSZ Fehér County president, told the Krónika on Thursday that all permits are in place for the installation of Gábor Bethlen's statue in Gyulafehérvár. According to the politician, Gyulafehérvár municipality and Mayor Gabriel Codru Pleşa were partners in the installation of the statue from the first minute. "There were no interruptions, no bad intentions on the part of anyone. A statue of Gábor Bethlen in Gyulafehérvár commemorates the prince and highlights the period when Transylvania lived its golden age under his leadership. Both Hungarians and Romanians should remember this," he pointed out.

Gábor Bethlen


The full-length statue is the work of the Nagyvárad sculptor Árpád Deák, who said that, with the approval of the Ministry of Culture, he has all the necessary permits to erect the statue. "This happened in record time, we plan to have the inauguration on May 21". He added that the deadline is therefore tight, since not only the statue needs to be poured and the foundation prepared, but also landscaping works will be needed. Despite this, they are confident that they will be able to meet the deadline, as this would be the 400th anniversary of Gábor Bethlen founding his famous college, the Collegium Academicum, in 1622, which was then moved to Nagyenyed by Prince Mihály Apafi in 1662 for security reasons.

According to Gudor Kund Botond, dean of the Reformed Diocese of Nagyenyedi, the prince's name will be placed in Latin on the upper part of the pedestal, as he himself used, as well as the period when he lived: "Gabriel Bethlen 1580-1629". The bottom part has the motto - If God is with us, who is against us? - in Latin and the period of existence of the educational institution he founded: "SI DEUS PRO NOBIS, QUIS CONTRA NOS (ROM.8,31), COLLEGIUM ACADEMICUM 400 (1622-2022). "This is acceptable to everyone. So far, everyone has been positive about it, we hope it will continue to be the same," concluded the dean.

Melinda Pap's entire article can be read on the Krónika portal.

Featured image: Attila Pinti