Péter Tölgyessy was the guest of left-wing activist Márton Gulyás' election evaluation program. The regime-changing politician and former parliament member said: Fidesz and within it Viktor Orbán are the only ones who understand the country.

Political scientist Péter Tölgyessy stated on Márton Gulyás' program that the opposition's victory was basically not ruled out. He recalled: from the middle of the cycle, processes started in epidemic management and the economy that made Fidesz's victory more likely, and the war "came" for that - but even this could have been messed up,

and the opposition would probably have spoiled this.

Viktor Orbán is the one who "especially pulls himself together" in difficult situations, stated Péter Tölgyessy. According to the political scientist, it is clear that the prime minister was driven by one thing, the desire to stay out of the war conflict. The left didn't even think about it, he said, but simply recited what the Western allies said.

Péter Tölgyessy/Source: Youtube/Party

Péter Tölgyessy/Source: Youtube/Partizán

He recalled: Péter Márki-Zay quickly got there in an interview that if NATO asks, then Hungary will send soldiers.

"While no one asked us for a soldier," he pointed out, it was completely unnecessary to make such an offer.

According to him, people did not think that Péter Márki-Zay would have been suitable for prime minister.

On the issue of the war conflict, Viktor Orbán presented himself as the prime minister and a man of peace - and the opposition represented the opposite.

Fidesz is the party that understands the country, that has successfully appealed not only to people in villages and small towns but also to those living in big cities - said Péter Tölgyessy, who at the same time considers the opposition's claim that there is no democracy in Hungary, because the working people they felt that they had more room for maneuver both as consumers and as labor market actors.

Regarding the Prime Minister's activities, he said that there had never been such a thing in Hungarian history, no one had been a factor in international politics for such a long time. It happened that someone reached such a level for a moment - for example Lajos Kossuth - but this has been going on with Viktor Orbán for years, he declared.

The political scientist called the opposition a cause of hysteria, "in fact, the main cause of hysteria lately". At the end of the program, he emphasized: the most important thing now is not to get caught up in the hysteria of the bipolar opposition.

Source: origo.hu

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