The Hungarian opposition parties "must get rid of the illusion" that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán could be replaced in elections. Fidesz's fourth election victory in a row, in addition to serving as a cautionary example, can also offer an opportunity to explore the possibilities of "extra-parliamentary" politicking, wrote Kornél Klopfstein-László, an employee of the Open Society Foundation, in his opinion article published on

What does it say when it is called? He writes that if the people vote for the mandate of parliamentarians in a free, secret and general election, it is not democratic enough. In addition, he also suggests that the Western world, the international community, should put more pressure on the government than ever before. "Even if at the moment it does not appear that all this could lead to the departure of Viktor Orbán."

I think that if I were György Soros and at least gave the appearance, I would immediately fire this "colleague". Obviously, this is not happening because we hear the Hungarian voice of his boss, which according to a proven recipe incites street resistance and possibly organizes free groups, anyway in defense of the sacred liberal democracy.

The devil, as Mr. Woland from The Master and Margaret, steps forward and tries to loosen him up. Not without success, unfortunately. In Jerusalem, when Pilate asks who should be released, the innocent Jesus or the guilty Barabbas, everyone individually shouts Jesus, but the crowd still shouts for Barabbas.

The blue-brown-eyed western agent Mr. Woland likes to rise from hell and disrupt the natural course of things even in modern times. To make an Arab Spring in Ukraine, slightly south of it, and in Europe multi-culti, colorful citizens, neither female nor male, metabolic subjects of the new world government, which the globalists are not willing to give up, even for God's sake.

How many people believe that the current war - where the Americans and the West are undoubtedly clashing with the Russians, causing immeasurable suffering to many millions of people - was caused by Putin's appetite. Is it not because America and its allies want to link Ukraine to their sphere of interest with the promise of EU and NATO membership? Money and weapons go to Zelenskyi's government, let the people provide soldiers, blood, sacrifices, fight for foreign interests on the fronts of a seemingly legitimate war of national defense. And run, run, run.

Oh, and in the meantime, the Russians must be punished, since they are the evil aggressors, hit them with millions of sanctions, hoping that this will turn the Russian people, who view the fratricidal war with a bad eye, impoverishment, and the tragedies of war, against Putin, and somehow overthrow the power of the dictator (who, by the way, already I don't know how many times they elect him as the leader of his country) and create a pro-Western political formation as far as China!

Congratulations, dear Mr. Woland! If it was possible to crucify God, why wouldn't it work?! Only Barabas needs to make the voice of the people heard. We know! The Russians are evil to the core, since they trampled, for example, the Hungarian freedom struggle, destroyed our country in the Second World War, and then came to crush our revolution with tanks in 1956. Does anyone else dare to say something on their behalf?

But beware! They are also the ones who won the war against Napoleon and Hitler!

I would also draw your attention to the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and forgave his murderers and Barabas. That love and Providence reign over the world, which has always conquered malice and ill-will. As well as the fact that people cannot be led where they do not want to go. Once they have decided what kind of government they want for themselves, they will stand up for it. Of course, you have to be prepared for manipulation, pressure, and perhaps even incitement of hatred in the street. Also that they want to drag us into this war. (Who knows, maybe Mr. Woland, or Behemoth the black man, or even Korovyov, the scribe. But it could all just be black magic!)

So what the hell does the Open Society Foundation really want? A democracy where the minority is in power. His minority. Mr. Woland's ancient recipe!

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